CAN/CSA-O141-91 (R2004)

Softwood Lumber
1. Scope 1.1 This Standard sets forth the basis for the manufacture of Canadian Standard Lumber in Canada, its sorting into classifica tions and grades, its identification, and the means of assuring uniformity and continuity of quality. 1.2 This Standard covers means of classification, measurement, standard sizes, requirements for grading rules, basic requirements for inspection procedures, requirements for identification, means of determining design properties, and trade terminology and abbreviations. 1.3 This Standard does not cover trade practices, grades, detailed inspection procedures, or strength values. 1.4 This Standard is applicable to softwood lumber, and may be applied to those species of hardwood lumber that are used in applications for which softwood species are ordinarily applied. 1.5 In this Standard, sizes are given in board measure (inch) units, in keeping with the practice of lumber manufacture throughout North America. Equivalent metric sizes, rounded to the nearest millimetre (mm) are also given in this Standard, for convenience in use and commercial transactions. The values given in board measure units are the standard. The values given in parentheses are for information only.
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CAN/CSA-O141-91 (R2004)