
Standard Method of Fire Tests of Firestop Systems
1. Scope 1.1 This method of test is applicable to firestop systems incorporating through penetrations or poke-through termination devices as well as to firestops alone (material with no penetrations). These firestop systems are intended for use in openings in fire resistive wall and floor assemblies which are evaluated in accordance with CAN4-S101M, Standard Methods of Fire Endurance Tests of Building Construction and Materials. 1.2 Tests conducted in conformance with this method will record firestop performance during the fire-test exposure under laboratory conditions; but such tests shall not be construed as determining suitability for use after exposure to fire. 1.3 The test method allows for the testing of the resistance of firestop systems to an external force simulated by a hose stream. However, this method shall not be construed as determining the performance of the firestop during actual fire conditions when subjected to forces such as failure of cable support systems and falling debris. 1.4 Provisions are included to allow for testing with a pressure differential between the furnace chamber and the exterior. 1.5 It is the intent that tests made in conformity with these test methods will develop data to enable regulatory bodies to determine the suitability of firestop systems for use in locations where fire resistance of a specified duration is required. 1.6 For the purpose of this Standard, a firestop system refers to a specific construction consisting of the material(s) that fill the opening in the wall or floor assembly and any penetrating items, such as cables, cable trays, conduits, ducts and pipes and any poke-through termination devices, such as electrical outlet boxes along with their means of support through the wall or floor opening.
ICS Codes:
13.220.20; 13.220.50
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