
Concrete Poles
1. Scope 1.1 This Standard provides requirements for the designs, manufacture and quality control of concrete poles for such uses as transmission, traction and distribution line supports, telegraph and telephone line and telecommunication cable supports and flood and street lighting poles. 1.2 The requirements of this Standard may be applied to both spun and cast poles and to both reinforced and prestressed concrete poles. 1.3 Certain structural properties and physical dimensions are described in Clause 4 in terms of standard classes. The scope of this Standard is limited to poles whose required properties can be defined by specifying the class to which the poles must belong. Note: Purchasers requiring some special property (e.g., a stiffness limitation for antenna supports) may find it convenient to specify their needs in terms of a variation from this Standard. However, such variations are beyond the scope of this Standard and were not considered in its preparation. 1.4 The requirements governing the selection of a class for a particular application are not within the scope of this Standard. Note: Notwithstanding this, Appendices A and B provide some information which may be of assistance in selecting an appropriate class. 1.5 This Standard applies to poles manufactured in plants that have been certified by a Certification Agency as manufacturing in accordance with the requirements of this Standard. Note: Purchasers buying poles from plants not so certified should give consideration to the methods by which compliance with the Standard is checked.
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