IEC 60695-11-3:2012

Fire hazard testing - Part 11-3: Test flames - 500 W flames - Apparatus and confirmational test methods
IEC 60695-11-3:2012 provides detailed requirements for the production of either of two 500 W nominal, pre-mixed type test flames. The approximate overall height of each flame is 125 mm. Two methods of producing a test flame are described: - Method A uses methane. - Method C can use either methane or propane. This basic safety publication is intended for use by technical committees in the preparation of standards in accordance with the principles laid down in IEC Guide 104 and ISO/IEC Guide 51. This first edition of IEC 60695-11-3 cancels and replaces the second edition of IEC/TS 60695-11-3 published in 2004. It constitutes a technical revision and now has the status of an International Standard. The main changes with respect to the second edition of IEC/TS 60695-11-3 are the integration of minor editorial and technical changes throughout the text. Keywords: Fire hazard, Test flames, 500 W flames
ICS Codes:
13.220.40; 29.020
Publish date:
Standard Number:
IEC 60695-11-3:2012