The Standard for Safety for Mobile Electric Vehicle Charging Systems Integrated with Energy Storage Systems

Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL)
Standards Development Organisation:
Working Program:
Designation Number:
Standard Type:
National Standard of Canada - Domestic
Standard Development Activity:
New Standard
ICS code(s):
Proceeding to development
SDO Comment Period Start Date:
SDO Comment Period End Date:
Posted On:



These requirements detail the specifications for electric vehicle (EV) charging systems that include conductive EV supply equipment, possibly integrated with energy storage systems, either housed separately or within the EV supply equipment itself. Such systems may receive inputs from various sources like generators, photovoltaic arrays, or grid power, but their output is dedicated exclusively to recharging electric vehicles. The guidelines ensure the safety and compatibility of integrated subsystems and stipulate that these systems, designed for outdoor use per the National Electrical Code (NFPA 70), can be movable or relocatable, potentially autonomous, and might not always be connected to a grid power source, with explicit prohibition against back feeding power into the grid. However, systems offering multiple outputs, including EV charging, fall outside these requirements' scope.

Project need:

Project Need

There are currently no consensus standards published in the US and Canada for Mobile Electric Vehicle Charging Systems Integrated with Energy Storage Systems. This proposed joint standard for the US and Canada, UL 3202, is needed to cover systems that are used for charging of electric vehicles. The adoption of electric vehicles is rapidly growing, and it is crucial for Canada to establish comprehensive guidelines and requirements to ensure public safety, performance, and safe mobile electric vehicle charging systems integrated with energy storage systems. Currently, there are no specific requirements in Canada pertaining to these vital aspects of electric vehicle infrastructure. The introduction of UL 3202 will bridge this gap and provide a solid foundation for the development of efficient and safe mobile electric vehicle charging systems integrated with energy storage systems. The Standard is developed with the intention to improve compatibility of products across the industry; improve efficiencies of production and economies of scale. With the publication of ANSI/CAN UL 3202, one document will exist that covers the requirements of mobile electric vehicle charging systems integrated with energy storage systems. This will allow manufacturers the opportunity to test to one standard. Use of the Standard will provide an appropriate forum for participation of producers, distributors, consumers, and AHJs in the further development of safety requirements as the technology continues to develop and expand its market presence.

Note: The information provided above was obtained by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) and is provided as part of a centralized, transparent notification system for new standards development. The system allows SCC-accredited Standards Development Organizations (SDOs), and members of the public, to be informed of new work in Canadian standards development, and allows SCC-accredited SDOs to identify and resolve potential duplication of standards and effort.

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