1.1 This method of test is applicable to firestop systems with or without penetrating items such as cables, cable trays, conduits, ducts and pipes. These firestop systems are intended for use in openings in fire resistive wall and floor assemblies and membranes forming part of an assembly required to have a fire resistance rating and linear openings between adjacent fire resistive floor assemblies, wall assemblies or both. 1.2 Tests conducted in conformance with this method will record firestop performance during the fire-test exposure under laboratory conditions; but such tests shall not be construed as determining suitability of the firestop system for use after exposure to fire. 1.3 The test method allows for the testing of the resistance of firestop systems to an external force simulated by a hose stream. However, this method shall not be construed as determining the performance of the firestop systems during actual fire conditions when subjected to forces such as failure of cable support systems and falling debris. 1.4 Provisions are included to allow for testing with a pressure differential between the furnace chamber and the exterior. 1.5 It is the intent that tests made in conformity with these test methods will develop data to enable regulatory bodies to determine the suitability of firestop systems for use in assemblies where fire resistance of a specified duration is required. 1.6 Provisions are included to allow for optional air leakage testing to determine the air leakage rate through test specimens resulting from a specified air pressure difference applied across the surface of the test specimens. The results of this test are intended to develop data to assist in determining the acceptability of firestop systems with reference to the control of air movement. NOTE: Tests for air leakage are performed under laboratory conditions. In actual usage, results may vary because of installation and/or environmental conditions. See Appendix A, Subsection A6. 1.6A Provisions are included to allow for optional water leakage testing to determine the ability of the firestop system to resist the passage of water resulting from a specified water pressure head applied across the surface of the test specimen. This method does not evaluate the ability of an uncured firestop systems to resist such exposure. After the water exposure, the test specimen is subjected to the fire test and where required, the hose stream test to determine the F, FT, FH or FTH Ratings. 1.6B Provisions are included to allow for optional movement testing to determine the ability of the firestop system to accommodate relative movement between the penetrating item and the fire resistive floor or wall assemblies. After movement cycling of the penetrating item, the test specimen is subjected to the fire test and where required, the hose stream test to determine the F, FT, FH or FTH ratings. 1.7 For the purpose of this Standard, a firestop system (fire stop) refers to a specific construction consisting of: A Any device intended to close off an opening or penetration during a fire; B Material(s) that fill an opening in a wall or floor assembly where penetration is by cables, cable trays, conduits, ducts and pipes along with their means of support through the wall or floor opening; C Material(s) that fill an opening in a wall assembly where penetration is by electrical and non-electrical outlet boxes along with their means of support in the wall assembly; NOTE: Examples of non-electrical outlet boxes are for the supply and waste water to/from washing machines, the air exhaust from dryers, gas outlet boxes, or other devices that create an opening in the assembly. D Material(s) and construction intended for use in linear openings between adjacent fire resistive structures. 1.8 This test method is also applicable to perimeter joint firestop systems located between a fire resistance rated floor and a rated or non-fire resistance rated exterior wall.
Project need:
Note: The information provided above was obtained by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) and is provided as part of a centralized, transparent notification system for new standards development. The system allows SCC-accredited Standards Development Organizations (SDOs), and members of the public, to be informed of new work in Canadian standards development, and allows SCC-accredited SDOs to identify and resolve potential duplication of standards and effort.
Individual SDOs are responsible for the content and accuracy of the information presented here. The text is presented in the language in which it was provided to SCC.