Standard for Meters for Diesel Fuel, Biodiesel Fuel, Diesel/Biodiesel Blends with Nominal Biodiesel Concentrations up to 20 Percent (B20), Kerosene, and Fuel Oil

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National Standard of Canada - Domestic
Standard Development Activity:
New Edition
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Proceeding to development
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1.1   These requirements cover positive displacement liquid meters for use with motor fuels. Motor fuels, as defined by these requirements, include one or more of the fuels described in 1.2.

1.2   Meters for gasoline/ethanol blends with nominal ethanol concentrations up to 85 percent (E0 – E85) shall be constructed to comply with the following:

  1. The requirements defined in the Standard for Meters for Flammable and Combustible Liquids and LP-Gas, UL/ULC 25, and
  2. The requirements in this Standard.

1.3   Meters covered by these requirements are intended for use with one or more of the following as applicable:

  1. Diesel fuel, which includes renewable diesel and diesel/biodiesel blends with nominal biodiesel concentrations up to 5 percent (B0-B5) formulated in accordance with the Standard Specification for Diesel Fuel Oils, ASTM D975;
  2. Diesel/biodiesel, renewable diesel/biodiesel blends, blends with nominal biodiesel concentrations from 5 percent up to 20 percent (B6 – B20) formulated in accordance with the Standard Specification for Diesel Fuel Oil, Biodiesel Blends (B6 – B20), ASTM D7467;
  3. Biodiesel (B99.9/B100) formulated in accordance with the Standard Specification for Biodiesel Fuel Blend Stock (B100) for Middle Distillate Fuels, ASTM D6751;
  4. Kerosene formulated in accordance with the Standard Specification for Kerosine, ANSI/ASTM D3699; or

Fuel oil (heating oil) formulated in accordance with the Standard Specification for Fuel Oils, ASTM D396.

1.4   Products covered by this Standard are intended to be installed and used in accordance with the applicable Codes and Regulations as determined by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ), such as, but not limited to:

  1. In the United States:
    1. Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code, NFPA 30;
    2. Code for Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities and Repair Garages, NFPA 30A;
  2. In Canada:
    1. The Canadian Electrical Code;
    2. The National Fire Code of Canada;

1.5   These requirements do not cover:

  1. Meters for use with fuels other than as described in 1.3;
  2. Velocity meters, head meters, or area meters;
  3. Meters for use in centralized fuel oil distribution systems; and

Meter components incorporating electrical circuits except those meeting intrinsically safe or explosion standards.

1.6   Determinations of the suitability of registers, counters, or computers used or provided with these meters, or the accuracy of measurement resulting from or required in actual application are not within the scope of these requirements.

1.7   For requirements for meters for gasoline/ethanol blends with nominal ethanol concentrations above 10 %, refer to the Standard for Meters for Gasoline and Gasoline/Ethanol Blends with Nominal Ethanol Concentrations up to 85 Percent (E0 – E85), UL/ULC 25A, for additional requirements.

Project need:

Project Need
Regulators in Canada request we develop standards that include for biofuels such as ethanol blends and biodiesel blends.

Note: The information provided above was obtained by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) and is provided as part of a centralized, transparent notification system for new standards development. The system allows SCC-accredited Standards Development Organizations (SDOs), and members of the public, to be informed of new work in Canadian standards development, and allows SCC-accredited SDOs to identify and resolve potential duplication of standards and effort.

Individual SDOs are responsible for the content and accuracy of the information presented here. The text is presented in the language in which it was provided to SCC.