Standard for Air Barrier Assemblies - Specification

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1.1 This standard sets out criteria for specification of air barrier assemblies that may be used in design specification documents or in manufacturer’s product literature.

1.2 This standard provides the requirements and test methods for an air barrier assembly used in applications for both low-rise and high-rise buildings.

1.3 The test methods described in this standard involve measuring the air leakage rate of a representative test specimen of an air barrier assembly before and after exposure to wind pressure loading cycles and then determining an air leakage rate at a reference pressure difference (DP), based on the measurements.

1.4 This standard sets minimum performance requirements for the air leakage rate of air barrier assemblies based on levels of air leakage rate and wind pressure loading.

1.5 The requirements for determining the air leakage rate of air barrier components and air barrier accessories were not considered in the development of this standard.

1.6 The structural design for the transfer of loads from the air barrier assemblies to the building structure was not considered in the development of this standard.

1.7 This document does not purport to address all of the health and safety aspects associated with its use. Anyone using this Standard has the responsibility to consult the appropriate authorities and to establish health and safety practices, in conjunction with any existing applicable regulatory requirements, prior to its use.

Project need:

Project Need
5-year renewal.

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Individual SDOs are responsible for the content and accuracy of the information presented here. The text is presented in the language in which it was provided to SCC.