Children’s playspaces and equipment
The standards apply to public playgrounds, such as those on school grounds, in parks, or at day care centres or motels. They do not apply to private, residential (home) playgrounds or indoor facilities. There is no national enforcement body for playground safety; however, some jurisdictions in Canada have passed regulations requiring public playground operators to ensure that their playgrounds meet the CSA Standard. For example, in some provinces, playgrounds at day care centres may be required to meet the standard in order for the centre to get an operating licence. The standards are not retroactive and only apply to play spaces and equipment installed after the date the Standard was published. CSA does not currently certify playgrounds or specific pieces of play equipment
Project need:
Note: The information provided above was obtained by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) and is provided as part of a centralized, transparent notification system for new standards development. The system allows SCC-accredited Standards Development Organizations (SDOs), and members of the public, to be informed of new work in Canadian standards development, and allows SCC-accredited SDOs to identify and resolve potential duplication of standards and effort.
Individual SDOs are responsible for the content and accuracy of the information presented here. The text is presented in the language in which it was provided to SCC.