Information technology — Communication interface connectors used in local area networks
Describes the medium interface connection device used between the terminal equipment and the trunk coupling unit for the trunk cable. Cables or wires used in conjunction with the connectors are not included.
Information technology - Communication interface connectors used in local area networks
Describes the medium interface connection device used between the terminal equipment and the trunk coupling unit for the trunk cable. Cables or wires used in conjunction with the connectors are not included.
Microprocessor system bus (VMSbus) - Serial sub-system bus of the IEC 60821 Bus (VMEbus)
Describes an interfacing method used to connect boards within a subrack, and an extended interfacing method used to connect subracks and standalone boards over limited distances. The interconnection of these boards and subracks is provided by a serial data medium. Should be used in conjunction with IEC 60821. Note: -For the price of this publication. please consult the ISO/IEC price-code list.
Bus système à microprocesseurs (VMSbus) - Bus sous-système série du Bus CEI 60821 (VMEbus)
Décrit une méthode d'interfaçage utilisée pour connecter des cartes à l'intérieur d'un châssis, ainsi qu'une méthode d'interfaçage étendue pour connecter entre eux des châssis et des cartes individuelles sur des distances limitées. L'interconnexion de ces cartes et châssis est effectuée par l'intermédiaire d'un support physique de données série. Doit être…
1. Scope
This Standard applies to household dishwashing machines, both cord-connected
and permanently connected, designed to be used in nonhazardous
locations in accordance with the Rules of the Canadian Electrical
Code, Part I, on circuits having a nominal voltage not exceeding
250 V.
Note: For convenience only, the shorter terms "dishwashers" and "machines" are…
Alternating current static watt-hour meters for active energy (classes 1 and 2).
Applies only to newly manufactured indoor or outdoor static watt-hour meters of accuracy classes 1 and 2, for the measurement of alternating-current electrical active energy of a frequency in the range 45 Hz to 65 Hz and to their type tests only. Does not apply to watt-hour meters where the voltage across the connection terminals exceeds 600 V, portable meters, data interfaces to the register of…
Microprocessor system bus - 8-bit and 16-bit data (MULTIBUS I) - Part 2: Mechanical and pin descript...
Applies to an interface used to connect microprocessor system components by means of the edge connector (direct) type backplane. Describes all the physical and mechanical specifications that a designer shall be concerned with when designing a backplane or when designing printed circuit boards that plug into the system bus interface. Note: -For the price of this publication, please consult the ISO…
Mopeds — Symbols for controls, indicators and tell-tales
Specifies the symbols, i. e. conventional signs, used to identify certain controls, indicators and tell-tales on a moped and to facilitate their usage. Indicates the colours of possible optical tell-tales which warn the driver of the operation or malfunctioning of devices and equipment connected to the corresponding controls.