Les présentes exigences visent les détecteurs de monoxyde de carbone (CO)
électriques autonomes ou à plusieurs postes, conçus pour protéger les espaces
intérieurs ordinaires des logements familiaux, y compris les véhicules
récréatifs et les maisons mobiles. Aux fins de la présente norme, on entend
par «logement familial» des lieux employés ou conçus pour être employés à titre
de domicile par…
Vinyl Pretreatment Coating for Metals (Vinyl Wash Primer)
This standard applies to a two-component coating used as a tie-coat or as a
preliminary treatment on clean, dry, metal surfaces prior to the application of
a succeeding coating system. The purpose of the material is to increase the
adhesion of the coating system.
For more detailed information on intended use, see par. 8.2.
1.1 These requirements cover electrically operated single- and multiple-station
carbon monoxide (CO) detectors intended for protection in ordinary indoor
locations of family living units, including recreational vehicles and mobile
homes. For the purpose of these requirements, a family living unit means a
housekeeping unit, used or intended to be used as a domicile by one or more
persons and…
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISo
6876-1986. It specifies requirements for materials used for permanent
obturation of the root canal with or without the aid of obturating points. This
standard only covers materials intended for orthograde (root filling inserted
from coronal aspect) use.
Dental Gypsum-Bonded Casting Investments for Gold Alloys
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISo
7490-1990. It establishes a classification of, and specifies requirements for,
gypsum-bonded casting investments together with the test methods to be used to
determine compliance with these requirements.
It applies to gypsum-bonded investments suitable for casting dental gold alloys
which have liquidus…
Dental Casting Alloys with Noble Metal Content of 25% up to but not Including
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISo
8891-1990. It gives the classification of, and specifies requirements and test
methods for, dental casting alloys with a noble metal content of 25 % up to but
not including 75 %.
It applies to casting alloys intended for making dental restorations and
appliances. It does not apply to alloys intended for use as the…
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISo
1563-1990. It applies to dental alginate impression materials used in
dentistry to take impressions of teeth and tissues of the oral cavity. It
specifies requirements for dental materials containing an alginate as essential
gel-forming ingredient, which, after mixing with water in accordance with the
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISo
4823-1992. It specifies requirements for elastomeric impression materials
based, for example, on polysulfides, polysiloxane or other non-aqueous
materials capable of reacting to form a rubber-like material suitable for
taking impressions.
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISo
6871-1987. It specifies the compositional requirements, mechanical properties
and test methods for base metal casting alloys for removable dental appliances.
It does not apply to alloys intended for ceramic metal restorations or surgical
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISo
6874-1988. It specifies requirements and test methods for resin-based
materials suitable for sealing pits and fissures in teeth. This standard
covers both chemically cured and external-energy-cured materials.