Animal and vegetable fats and oils — Determination of water content — Entrainment method
The method is applicable to products having water content greater than or equal to 0,5 % (m/m). It consists in entraining of the water present in a test portion, by azeotropic distillation with the aid of an organic liquid not miscible with water, and measuring of the volume of water collected. A figure shows a suitable distillation apparatus.
Tea — Preparation of ground sample of known dry matter content
The method consists in grinding of the sample, and determination of the dry matter content of the ground sample by heating a test portion in an oven at 103 +/-2 degrees centigrade to constant mass.
Complete, filled transport packages — General rules for the compilation of performance test schedule...
Basic terms are described, such as distribution systems, hazards during transport, laboratory test of packagesd, performance test schedules. Specification is given for the standardization of test methods and order of tests, selection and modification of test intensities, selection of package attitude, compilation of test schedules and determination of criteria of acceptance. An annex specifies…
Performance standards in building — Contents and presentation
Specifies the basic contents to be included in performance standards for building components and assemblies, and indicates a standard order for their inclusion. Is intended primarily for use by standards committees preparing performance standards for building components and assemblies. Should also be useful for the preparation of other types of documents.