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Displaying 73 - 84 of 192
Notice of Intent
Information technology - Storage management - ...
The Filesystems part of the Storage Management Technical Specification defines management profiles for Autonomous (top level) profiles for programs and devices whose central function is providing support and access to file...
Notice of Intent
Information technology - Generic cabling for ...
1 Scope This part of ISO/IEC 11801, which is a Technical Specification, establishes a matrix-model for formulating limits for mixed-mode parameters within and between two pairs of balanced cabling. This is for the purpose of...
Moving forward together: 2021-2022 Annual Report
From Climate Change and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to public health and wellness, we worked closely with our partners throughout the year to define standardization strategies for the most complex, interconnected challenges...
Notice of Intent
Information security - Anonymous entity authentication...
This document provides general descriptions and specifications of anonymous entity authentication mechanisms based on blind digital signatures.
Notice of Intent
Information technology - Storage management - ...
This version of the specification models various details of the following objects of the media library for monitoring. • Library • Drives • Changer Devices • Slots • IO Slots • SCSI Interfaces and SCSI and FC Target Ports •...
Notice of Intent
Telecommunications and exchange between information...
This standard defines Ethernet local area, access and metropolitan area networks. Ethernet is specified at selected speeds of operation; and uses a common media access control (MAC) specification and management information...
Notice of Intent
Information technology - Systems and software...
This document defines quality measures useful for requirements and evaluation of IT service quality in terms of characteristics and sub-characteristics defined in ISO/IEC TS 25011. This document contains a basic set of...
SCC’s Innovation Initiative Case Studies Compendium
SCC created its Innovation Initiative in 2017 so Canadian innovators from coast to coast could reap the benefits that standardization offers. We engaged with more than 250 from small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to...
Notice of Intent
Information technology - Extensible biometric...
This document specifies: — generic extensible data interchange formats for the representation of iris image data: a tagged binary data format based on an extensible specification in ASN.1 and a textual data format based on an...
SCC Requirements and Guidance for Accreditation...
This SCC Requirements and Guidance Document is part of series of publications issued by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) that define the policy and operational requirements for core programs established in support of its...
Notice of Intent
Information technology - Storage management - ...
The host-base storage portion of the Storage Management Technical Specification defines management profiles for autonomous, component and abstract profiles for management of host-based storage devices. The autonomous profiles...
Notice of Intent
Information technology - Storage management - ...
Storage Management Technical Specification, Part 3 Common Profiles, 1.8.0 Rev 4 defines profiles that are supported by profiles defined in the other parts of this standard. The first few clauses provide backgroundmaterial...