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AI accreditation pilot lessons learned report
Piloting draft ISO/IEC 42001 standard and AI system conformity assessment scheme
Standards Council of Canada is recruiting participants...
We are actively recruiting a broad representation of stakeholders from industry, academia, federal/provincial/municipal government and civil society to participate in our initiative to develop standards and conformity...
SCC launches AI accreditation lessons learned...
Our AI accreditation pilot revealed essential insights that are now shaping the development of AI management systems accreditation and certification—find them in our newly published lessons learned report . The report...
Shaping the safe evolution of digital technologies...
Artificial intelligence (AI) and other digital technologies have the potential to deliver significant benefits for Canada and the world, but only if they are developed and used responsibly. Standards and conformity assessment...
First international standard for AI management...
We are pleased to share that the ISO/IEC 42001 standard for artificial intelligence (AI) management systems has been published! This standard, known as “AIMS”, specifies the requirements and provides guidance for establishing...
A Perspective on U.S. Standardization: A Strategic...
Business, governments and consumer groups interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the U.S. standardization system will want to read the Standards Council of Canada’s (SCC’s) latest report, A Perspective on U.S...
PIEVC Meta Analysis - Volume 3: The role of codes...
To achieve the intended long-term performance of infrastructure assets, the professionals who plan, design, build, operate, and maintain them need to integrate climate change adaptation considerations into workflows and...
Notice of Intent
Accessibility requirements for ICT products and...
Note: The title and standard designation number for this NOI (originally published on March 1, 2022) were updated by the responsible SDO on February 20, 2024. Technical Committee on Accessibility Requirements for Information...
Notice of Intent
Automatic electrical controls for household and...
This clause of part 1 is applicable except as follows: 1.1 Replacement: This part of IEC 60730 applies to automatic electrical burner control systems for the automatic control of burners for oil, gas, coal or other...
Discerning signal from noise: The state of global...
This white paper aims to equip SCC's AI and Data Governance Standardization Collaborative with the information necessary to understand how best to leverage AI standards and conformity assessment to advance Canada’s interests...
Reaching forward to a better future 2023–2024...
Explore SCC’s 2023–2024 annual report Standardization is vital to Canada’s future. It gives us a way to tackle some of the biggest challenges facing not only our country but society as a whole, bringing together many...