Report cover showing various types of infrastructure including a bridge and city

PIEVC Meta Analysis - Volume 3: The role of codes and standards

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To achieve the intended long-term performance of infrastructure assets, the professionals who plan, design, build, operate, and maintain them need to integrate climate change adaptation considerations into workflows and management frameworks. Infrastructure codes and standards can play important roles in this regard, by specifying structural design, material, maintenance, and performance requirements that improve how climate-related hazards and conditions are considered in infrastructure development and management processes.

Since 2016, with core financial support from Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada (HICC), Canada’s National Codes and Standards System has developed numerous new infrastructure standards, updated existing ones, and provided future-projected (climate change-informed) climate design values for the National Model Building Code of Canada, all to improve the climate resilience of our buildings and infrastructure.

This Volume (3) of the PIEVC Meta-Analysis reports on the findings of research focused specifically on better understanding: (i) whether and how codes and standards have been used by or referenced within PIEVC-based climate change vulnerability and risk assessments (CCVRAs), (ii) whether and how codes and standards have helped inform adaptation recommendations or actions related to these assessments, and (iii) opportunities to advance the role of codes and standards in PIEVC assessments and adaptation processes more generally.