Refine Results
Displaying 265 - 276 of 764
Notice of Intent
Standard for Bead-Applied One Component Polyurethane...
Note: This NOI was withdrawn by the responsible SDO on June 27, 2023. 1.1 This Standard specifies the requirements and test methods for bead-applied one component polyurethane foam used as an insulating air sealant for both...
Notice of Intent
Standard for Semiautomatic Fire Hose Storage ...
1.1 These requirements cover rack or reel type semiautomatic fire hose storage devices (SHSD) optionally installed in a cabinet intended for use in controlling incipient fires by trained personnel. An SHSD is intended for use...
Notice of Intent
Standard for Safety for In-building 2-Way Emergency...
1.1 These requirements cover products (e.g. repeater, transmitter, receiver, signal booster components, external filters, and battery charging system components) used for in-building 2-way radio emergency radio communication...
Notice of Intent
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-...
This part of IEC 61000 for EMC immunity requirements applies to electrical and electronic apparatus intended for use in residential, commercial and light-industrial environments. Immunity requirements in the frequency range 0...
Notice of Intent
Standard for Safety for Metallic Sprinkler Pipe...
These requirements cover metallic pipe intended for use in water based fire protection systems for water distribution or valve trim applications. These pipes may be used in fire protection systems when installed in accordance...
Notice of Intent
In-building 2-Way Emergency Radio Communication...
1.1 These requirements cover products (e.g. repeater, transmitter, receiver, signal booster components, remote annunciators and operational consoles, power supply, and battery charging system components) used for in-building...
MC/ISO/TC 106/SC 9
Dental CAD/CAM systems Standardization of: performance, safety and interoperability requirements of CAD/CAM systems for digitizing, designing and manufacturing patient specific products, the components of which include but...
Notice of Intent
Standard for Safety for In-building 2-Way Emergency...
These requirements cover products (e.g. repeater, transmitter, receiver, signal booster components, remote annunciators and operational consoles, power supply, and battery charging system components) used for in-building 2...
Notice of Intent
Guideline for Managing Risks to the Public Interest...
This guideline lays out the principles and provides guidance to organizations primarily responsible for the management of public risk in Canada. Organizations that can benefit from this guideline include government...
Notice of Intent
Standard for Measuring and Reporting Circular...
Note: An additional comment period of Ausgust 13 to September 4, 2019 has been applied to ANSI/CAN/UL 3600, as the standard was in the initial stages of development for more than 12 months. All corresponding dates will apply...
Notice of Intent
Thermoplastic nonpressure piping compendium
CSA B181.0:21 - Definitions, general requirements, and methods of testing for thermoplastic nonpressure piping Scope 1.1 Scope of the B1800 compendium This Standard covers thermoplastic nonpressure piping, including a) drain...
Notice of Intent
Standard for Pre-Engineered Dry and Wet Chemical...
These requirements cover the construction and operation of fixed pre-engineered dry chemical fire extinguishing system units and fixed automatic extinguisher units intended to be used in accordance with the Standard for Dry...