Refine Results
Displaying 181 - 192 of 660
Accreditation Bulletin
Transition requirements for SCC’s Greenhouse ...
Action required All accredited Greenhouse Gas Accreditation Program (GHGAP) organizations must ensure they complete transition reviews to the applicable standards by the deadline. Affected customers Existing SCC GHGAP...
Accreditation Bulletin
Transition requirements for SCC’s Greenhouse ...
Action required All accredited Greenhouse Gas Accreditation Program (GHGAP) organizations must ensure they complete their transition reviews to the applicable standards by the deadline. Affected customers Existing SCC GHGAP...
Young Professionals Standardization Framework
Proactive engagement and retention of young professionals in Canada’s standardization network is a key objective for the SCC and its partners. Of the 3,300 SCC members, roughly 16% are under 40 years of age. Appropriate...
SCC Engagement with Academia Strategy
The framework for the Academia Standardization Engagement strategy is a fundamental step with the aim of developing cooperation with academia in a systematic way. The strategy will guide SCC’s engagement with academia in...
Guidelines for addressing climate change in standards
A standard for standards developers to incorporate climate change adaptation and mitigation in planning, drafting, revising and updating standards.
Accreditation Bulletin
SCC Response to COVID-19
Action required SCC is taking measures to prepare and respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. SCC is continuing to monitor the situation through the Public Agency of Canada (PHAC), Ottawa Public Health and the Federal Government...
Accreditation Bulletin
Transition to ISO 50001:2018
Affected program For Management Systems Accreditation Program (MSAP) customers who certify to ISO 50001 Energy Management Systems (EnMS). Background In August of 2018, ISO issued a revised version of ISO 50001. This 2018...
Accreditation Bulletin
ISO/IEC 17025 Transition – Collaboration between...
Action required None for now but consideration should be given to preparing a transition plan to the revised standard which will be required of all ISO/IEC 17025 customers of SCC and those of its partners, Bureau de...
Accreditation Bulletin
ISO/IEC 17025 Transition – Collaboration between...
Action required None for now but consideration should be given to preparing a transition plan to the revised standard which will be required of all ISO/IEC 17025 customers of SCC and those of its partners, Bureau de...
Notice of Intent
Operation and maintenance of health care facilities
1.1 This Standard describes the requirements, including quality system requirements, for the O&M of an HCF. It sets out specific requirements for a) buildings and architectural systems; b) site elements related to the...
Notice of Intent
Sustainable Forest Management for Woodlots and...
1.1 This Standard applies to woodlots and small forests up to 4000 hectares that have a management plan; these are termed "defined woodlots" (see Clause 3). It provides sustainable forest management requirements for (a) a...
Notice of Intent
Petroleum and natural gas industries — Specific...
This document provides requirements and guidelines for marine geophysical investigations. It is applicable to operators/end users, contractors and public and regulatory authorities concerned with marine site investigations...