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Displaying 8809 - 8820 of 11660
Notice of Intent

Fuseholders - Part 12: Class R

1.1.2 These requirements cover fuseholders intended for use with Class R Fuses as described in NMX-J-009/248/12-2000-ANCE, CSA C22.2 No. 248.12, UL 248-12, Low-Voltage Fuses – Part 12: Class R Fuses.
Notice of Intent

Textile Test Methods - Textiles - Twist Factor...

This Technical Report gives equations for the calculation of twist factors in SI units and conversion tables with which twist factors expressed in other unit systems can be transformed into SI units. It is applicable to...
Notice of Intent

Determination Of The Airtightness Of Building...

This is a method for the determination of the airtightness of building envelopes. It is not a method for determining the actual air leakage which occurs through a building envelope under the influence of wind and buoyancy...
Notice of Intent

Environmental Management System Standard For ...

An EMS is a business tool that systematically applies general management principles to environmental issues associated with the activities, products, and services of an organization. CAN/CSA-Z771 applies management principles...