Refine Results
Displaying 8581 - 8592 of 11632
Notice of Intent
Packaging for terminally sterilized medical devices...
The ISO 11607-2 specifies requirements for the development and validation of processes for packaging medical devices that are terminally sterilized. These processes include forming, sealing and assembly of preformed sterile...
Notice of Intent
Information security - Encryption algorithms - ...
This document is general in nature and provides definitions that apply in subsequent parts of the ISO/IEC 18033 series. It introduces the nature of encryption and describes certain general aspects of its use and properties.
Notice of Intent
Information security, cybersecurity and privacy...
This document establishes a framework for the verification of cryptographic protocol specifications according to academic and industry best practices.
Notice of Intent
Information security, cybersecurity and privacy...
This document provides a user-centric framework for handling personally identifiable information (PII), based on privacy preferences.
Notice of Intent
Information technology - Smart city digital platform...
This document specifies the reference architecture of smart city digital platforms (SCDPs), with a focus on supporting access to data and services for applications in smart cities.
Notice of Intent
Standard Method of Fire Tests For Air Filter ...
These requirements cover air filter units of both washable and throw-away types for removal of dust and other airborne particles from air circulated mechanically in equipment and systems.
Notice of Intent
Textiles test methods — Moisture regain values...
Canadian commercial moisture regain values
Notice of Intent
Methods of testing petroleum and associated products...
This test method describes two procedures for the visual haze rating or appearance of contamination of liquid fuels with an ASTM colour rating of 5 or less, and a cloud point below the reported temperature of the test.
Notice of Intent
Standard for Fusible Links for Fire Protection...
These requirements cover fusible links used for fire-protection service. Fusible links are classified by temperature rating, type of coating or plating, minimum and maximum design load, and other factors which may have a...
Notice of Intent
Standard for Safety for Lightning Protection ...
These requirements cover lightning protection components for use in the installation of complete systems of lightning protection on buildings and structures.