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Displaying 1681 - 1692 of 11652
Notice of Intent

Energy Consumption Test Methods for Household...

1.1 This Standard applies to microwave ovens capable of generating less than 5 kW of microwave power and manufactured for use in homes and similar locations. 1.2 This Standard specifies methods of testing the energy...
Notice of Intent

Electrical Aids for Physically Disabled Persons

"1.1 This Standard applies to electrical aids intended to be used by physically disabled persons to facilitate their ability to communicate with others, alter the state of their environment, and to position themselves. 1.2...
Notice of Intent

Tray cables

1.1 This Standard applies to single conductor and multi-conductor constructions, without metal sheath or armour, suitable for use in cable trays and other applications when installed in accordance with the Canadian Electrical...
Notice of Intent

Manufactured wiring systems

1.1 This Standard applies to manufactured wiring systems for installation in accessible areas in dry, nonhazardous locations in accordance with the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I. 1.2 This Standard applies to manufactured...
Notice of Intent

Thermoplastic insulated wires and cables

1.1 This Standard specifies the requirements for 600 V, single-conductor, thermoplastic-insulated wires and cables, for use as follows: a) In Canada, in accordance with CSA C22.1, Canadian Electrical Code (CEC), Part I; b) In...
Notice of Intent

Portable Kerosine-Fired Heaters

1.1 This Standard applies to kerosine-fuelled appliances with capacities up to 4400 W that are primarily used as portable space heating appliances. 1.2 Appliances with input capacities greater than 4400 W may be examined and...
Notice of Intent

Gas Appliance Pressure Regulators

1.1.1 Types of Regulators. This standard applies to individual gas appliance pressure regulators, which are not a part of a combination control (see Part V, Definitions), constructed entirely of new, unused parts and...
Notice of Intent

Integrated Systems Testing Of Fire Protectrion...

This Standard prescribes the methodology for verifying and documenting that all interconnections between systems provided for fire protection and life safety functions are installed and operating in conformance with their...
Notice of Intent

Manufactured wiring systems

1.1 This Standard applies to manufactured wiring systems for installation in accessible areas in dry, nonhazardous locations in accordance with the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I. 1.2 This Standard applies to manufactured...