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Displaying 3229 - 3240 of 11598
Accreditation Bulletin
New Edition of the Accreditation Program Overview
Action required Noting the changes described below. Affected customers All customers Background The Accreditation Program Overview has been revised with the following new or altered material: the amount of time allowed for a...
Accreditation Bulletin
New Edition of the Accreditation Program Overview
Action required Noting the changes described below. Affected customers All customers Background SCC’s Accreditation Services has issued an updated version of the Accreditation Program Overview . The primary purpose of this...
Notice of Intent
Safety of Machinery - Safety Distances to prevent...
This Standard establishes values for safety distances in both industrial and non-industrial environments to prevent machinery hazard zones being reached. The safety distances are appropriate for protective structures. It also...
Notice of Intent
Test method for measuring efficiency and pressure...
In this Standard, "shall" is used to express a requirement, i.e., a provision that the user is obliged to satisfy in order to comply with the standard; "should" is used to express a recommendation or that which is advised but...
Notice of Intent
Test methods, marking requirements, and energy...
1.1 This Standard specifies the test methods and marking requirements, and references energy efficiency levels for three-phase induction motors. Note: The test methods contained in this Standard are not limited to specific...
Notice of Intent
Evaluation methods for arc resistance ratings...
1.1 This Standard establishes methods by which metal-enclosed equipment can be tested for resistance to the effects of arcing resulting from an internal fault. 1.2 This Standard applies only to indoor and outdoor equipment...
Notice of Intent
Test methods, marking requirements, and energy...
Scope 1.1 This Standard specifies the test methods and marking requirements, and references energy efficiency levels for three-phase induction motors. Note: The test methods contained in this Standard are not limited to...
Notice of Intent
Evaluation methods for arc resistance ratings...
1.1 This Standard establishes methods by which metal-enclosed equipment can be tested for resistance to the effects of arcing resulting from an internal fault. 1.2 This Standard applies only to indoor and outdoor equipment...
Notice of Intent
Performance requirements for line voltage thermostats...
1.1 General This Standard specifies performance requirements for thermostats (120 to 240 V) intended for switching of a controlled resistive heating load. The models covered by this Standard are as follows: a) wall-mounted...
Speaking the Same Technical Language: The Trade...
By strategically engaging in regional standardization activities, SCC can facilitate reductions in trade barriers for Canada. Reducing trade barriers without sacrificing our standards will help to promote the well-being and...
Notice of Intent
Concrete pumps and placing booms
1.1 This Standard applies to the design, manufacture, installation, operation, inspection, testing, and maintenance of concrete pumps, placing booms, and delivery systems. Note: See Figures 1 to 6 for illustrations of the...
Notice of Intent
Water pressure reducing valves for domestic water...
1.1 This Standard applies to self-acting spring-operated devices that automatically reduce the initial pressure in water systems to a set lower pressure. It applies to devices that are of the direct-acting diaphragm type with...