Refine Results
Displaying 109 - 120 of 187
Notice of Intent
Soils - Determination of In-Place Density of ...
PURPOSE AND SCOPE This standard specifies the test method to be used to determine the in-place density of soil. This procedure is particularly suitable for soils containing particles with a diameter of 80 mm or more.
Notice of Intent
Soils - Determination of In-Place Density of ...
PURPOSE AND SCOPE This standard specifies the test method to be used to determine the in-place density of soil. This procedure is particularly suitable for soils containing particles with a diameter of 80 mm or more.
Notice of Intent
Soils - Determination of In-Place Density of ...
PURPOSE AND SCOPE This standard specifies the test method used to determine the in-place density of soil using a plastic rubber elastic membrane. However, this test cannot be used on very soft soil that deforms under slight...
Notice of Intent
Soils - Determination of In-Place Density of ...
PURPOSE AND SCOPE This standard specifies the test method used to determine the in-place density of soil using a plastic rubber elastic membrane. However, this test cannot be used on very soft soil that deforms under slight...
Notice of Intent
Soils - Determination of In-Place Density of ...
PURPOSE AND SCOPE This standard specifies the test method used to determine the in-place density of soil using a plastic rubber elastic membrane (Washington type apparatus). However, this test cannot be used on soil which...
Notice of Intent
Soils - Determination of In-Place Density of ...
PURPOSE AND SCOPE This standard specifies the test method used to determine the in-place density of soil using a plastic rubber elastic membrane (Washington type apparatus). However, this test cannot be used on soil which...
Notice of Intent
Soils - Determination of In-Place Density of ...
PURPOSE AND SCOPE This standard specifies the test method used to determine the in-place density of soil using calibrated sand to measure the volume of the test hole. The use of the apparatus described herein is limited to...
Notice of Intent
Explosives - Quantity Distances
This standard is intended to establish the minimum separation distances to be used between potential explosion sites (PES) and exposed sites (ES), to reduce the risk to life and property. This standard applies to all...
Notice of Intent
Soils - Determination of Undrained Shear Strength...
This standard specifies test methods used to determine the sensitivity of cohesive soils based on the undrained shear strength of soils in their undisturbed and remoulded states, as obtained using a fall cone penetrometer...
Notice of Intent
Soils - Determination of the Coefficient of Permeability...
This standard specifies the test method used to determine the coefficient of permeability of the soil in place at the end of a drill casing driven in by ramming. NOTES — This test method is particularly adapted for soils with...
Notice of Intent
Soils - Determination of the Coefficient of Permeability...
This standard specifies the test method used to determine the coefficient of permeability of the soil in place around a cavity, named lantern, opened under the end of a drill casing driven by ramming. NOTES — This test method...
Notice of Intent
Soils - Standard Penetration Test (SPT) and Sampling...
PURPOSE AND SCOPE This document specifies the method for the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) used to determine the penetration index N in a vertical drilling and obtain a disturbed soil sample. The Standard Penetration Test...