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Displaying 97 - 108 of 187
Notice of Intent
Polyethylene (PE) Pipe and Fittings for Soil ...
Purpose and Scope This standard specifies the characteristics and test methods for polyethylene (PE) pipe and fittings designed for soil drainage applying notably to agricultural drain and to foundation drain. This standard...
Notice of Intent
Organic Soil Conditioners – Composts
This standard applies to compost produced from different feedstocks, used as organic soil conditioners, sold or distributed in bags or in bulk. This document was developed to serve as a reference document for the conformity...
Notice of Intent
Organic Soil Conditioners – Composts – Determination...
This method applies to compost from different sources used as organic soil conditioners.
Notice of Intent
Soils – Determination of In-Place Density of ...
This standard specifies the test method used to determine the in-place density of soil using a plastic rubber elastic membrane (Washington type apparatus). However, this test cannot be used on soil which deforms under slight...
Notice of Intent
Soils – Determination of In-Place Density of ...
This standard specifies the test method used to determine the in-place density of soil using a plastic rubber elastic membrane. However, this test cannot be used on very soft soil that deforms under slight pressure or when...
Notice of Intent
Soils – Determination of In-Place Density of ...
This standard specifies the test method used to determine the in-place density of soil using cali-brated sand to measure the volume of the test hole. The use of the apparatus described herein is limited to testing soils...
Notice of Intent
Soils – Determination of Minimum and Maximum ...
This standard specifies laboratory test methods that shall be used to determine minimum and maximum densities of cohesionless soils first by pouring the loose material and then by densification of the material using vibration...
Notice of Intent
Psychological health and safety in the workplace...
Purpose This Standard specifies requirements for a documented and systematic approach to develop and sustain a psychologically healthy and safe workplace, and provides complimentary information in Annexes A to G . This...
Notice of Intent
Onsite Residential Wastewater Treatment Technologies
The purpose of this standard is intended to establish the performance requirements for onsite resi-dential wastewater treatment technologies used to treat wastewater from isolated dwellings and to specify test methods for...
Notice of Intent
Determination of the Particle Filtration Efficiency...
Purpose This test method allows the determination of the particle filtration efficiency of a material. Scope This test method applies to materials of any nature that are used as particle filter.
Notice of Intent
Organic Soil Conditioners - Composts
1. PURPOSE This standard specifies the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of compost as well as the sampling method and the methods of analysis that shall be used to evaluate these characteristics. SCOPE This...
Notice of Intent
Charities - Governance and Best Management Practices
1.PURPOSE This standard specifies the requirements with respect to the governance and best management practices for charitable organizations. SCOPE This standard applies to all charities registered with the Canada Revenue...