Refine Results
Displaying 121 - 132 of 187
Notice of Intent
Soils - Determination of In-Place Density of ...
PURPOSE AND SCOPE This standard specifies the test method used to determine the in-place density of soil using a plastic rubber elastic membrane (Washington type apparatus). However, this test cannot be used on soil which...
Notice of Intent
Soils - Determination of In-Place Density of ...
PURPOSE AND SCOPE This standard specifies the test method used to determine the in-place density of soil using calibrated sand to measure the volume of the test hole. The use of the apparatus described herein is limited to...
Notice of Intent
Explosives - Quantity Distances
This standard is intended to establish the minimum separation distances to be used between potential explosion sites (PES) and exposed sites (ES), to reduce the risk to life and property. This standard applies to all...
Notice of Intent
Determination of the Particle Filtration Efficiency...
Purpose This test method allows the determination of the particle filtration efficiency of a material. Scope This test method applies to materials of any nature that are used as particle filter.
Notice of Intent
Soils - Determination of Liquid Limit by the ...
Purpose and Scope This standard specifies the test method used to determine the liquid limit by the Casagrande Apparatus and plastic limit of soils, from which the plasticity index is calculated.
Notice of Intent
Explosives – Quantity Distances
Purpose and scope This standard is intended to establish the minimum separation distances to be used between potential explosion sites (PES) and exposed sites (ES), to reduce the risk to life and property. This standard...
Notice of Intent
Charities - Governance and Best Management Practices
1.PURPOSE This standard specifies the requirements with respect to the governance and best management practices for charitable organizations. SCOPE This standard applies to all charities registered with the Canada Revenue...
Notice of Intent
Organic Soil Conditioners - Composts
1. PURPOSE This standard specifies the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of compost as well as the sampling method and the methods of analysis that shall be used to evaluate these characteristics. SCOPE This...
Notice of Intent
Reinforced Concrete and Unreinforced Concrete...
This standard specifies the physical and dimensional characteristics of prefabricated reinforced concrete and unreinforced concrete pipes and monolithic lateral connections. This standard also specifies control and test...
Notice of Intent
Precast Reinforced Concrete Sewer Manholes, Catch...
The purpose of this standard is to establish the requirements for dimensions and structural charac-teristics of circular and polygonal sewer manholes, catch basins, gate houses and pumping stations precast in reinforced...
Notice of Intent
Construction Work - General Technical Specifications...
PURPOSE. --- General technical specifications that govern the construction of municipal drinking water lines and sewer lines. SCOPE. --- This standardized specification applies to structures with an invert depth that is at...
Notice of Intent
Construction Work - General Technical Specifications...
PURPOSE. --- General technical specifications that govern the construction of municipal drinking water lines and sewer lines. SCOPE. --- This standardized specification applies to structures with an invert depth that is at...