Refine Results
Displaying 145 - 156 of 179
Accreditation Bulletin
R&G CyberSecure Canada (Requirements and Guidance...
Action required Certification Bodies (CBs) are required to comply with the latest version of the R&G CyberSecure Canada requirements and guidance CyberSecure Canada requirements and guidance . The document was approved on...
Accreditation Bulletin
Amendments to test reports
Action required All SCC-accredited and applicant testing laboratories in the Agriculture Inputs, Food, Animal Health and Plant Protection (AFAP) Program Speciality Area (PSA) are recommended to reassess current practices of...
Accreditation Bulletin
Coronavirus/COVID-19: Possible Amendments to ...
Action required Noting the changes described below. Affected customers All customers Background The COVID-19 outbreak, known as coronavirus, has led to safety concerns and travel restrictions that may affect the scheduling of...
Accreditation Bulletin
Management Systems Certification Bodies Witness...
Action required All accredited management systems certification bodies (CBs) shall ensure they are providing SCC with audit information within a timely manner, as per the Accreditation Program Overview, mandatory program...
Accreditation Bulletin
Transitioning to ISO 50003:2021 Energy management...
Action required Starting on March 7th, 2022 SCC will begin carrying out transition assessments for ISO 50003:2021, and any new applications for EnMS accreditation needed to be assessed against ISO 50003:2021. SCC is...
Accreditation Bulletin
SCC Requirements and Guidance for Method Verification...
Action required All SCC-accredited and applicant testing laboratories shall conform to version 2 of the SCC Requirements and Guidance for Method Verification and Validation in Testing Laboratories (RG-MVVT), 2021-05-24. This...
Accreditation Bulletin
ICAO-CORSIA Scheme under GHGAP – Applications...
Action required Greenhouse Gas (GHG) verification bodies (VBs) who are interested in being accredited for the ICAO-CORSIA scheme should now submit their application to SCC. Affected customers SCC-accredited and applicant GHG...
Accreditation Bulletin
Extension for Submission of CORSIA 2019 Emissions...
Action required None at this time Affected customers Existing SCC GHGAP customers and new applicants Background The Minister of Transport (“the Minister”) has approved an extension of the compliance date for the submission of...
Accreditation Bulletin
Transitioning to ISO/IEC 27006:2015 / AMD 1
Action required Action Required by March 31, 2022 CBs shall have completed the transition to ISO/IEC 27006:2015 AMD 1:2020, through office assessment, within 2 years from the last day of the month of publication of the...
Accreditation Bulletin
Transition arrangements for ISO/IEC 27006-1:2024
Action required ISO/IEC 27006-1:2024 Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection — Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of information security management systems and IAF MD29:2024...
Accreditation Bulletin
Management Systems Transition Extensions
Action required Management Systems Accreditation Program certification bodies may implement extensions to their transition plans for the schemes noted below. Additionally, applicable certification bodies shall implement...
Accreditation Bulletin
PEFC Standard Revisions
Action Required Certification Bodies must be accredited against the new version of the Chain of Custody standard (ST 2002:2020) before they can offer certification against the new versions of the Chain of Custody and...