SCC Requirements and Guidance for Method Verification and Validation in Testing Laboratories (RG-MVVT)

Bulletin date:
Bulletin number:

Action required

All SCC-accredited and applicant testing laboratories shall conform to version 2 of the SCC Requirements and Guidance for Method Verification and Validation in Testing Laboratories (RG-MVVT), 2021-05-24.


This document:

  • Approved on: 2021-05-24
  • Published on: 2021-08-24
  • Effective as of: 2021-08-24


Affected customers

SCC-accredited and applicant testing laboratories, and Laboratory Accreditation Program assessors. 



These changes were made to align SCC Requirements and Guidance for Method Verification and Validation in Testing Laboratories (RG-MVVT) conforming to clause 7.2 of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 ‘Selection, verification and validation of methods’.


New requirements

The requirements have been revised to be in alignment with applicable clauses of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 related to method verification and validation. Below is a list of the main changes in this revised document:

  • Normative References’ section: is separated into normative and informative references. Out of date references have been removed;
  • ‘Definitions’: includes method verification and validation and new definitions for modified and in-house methods;
  •  â€˜Verification of Test methods’: a new section is added to the requirements; 
  •  â€˜Validation process’  has been updated to reflect the current requirements of clause 7.2.2 of ISO/IEC 17025:2017;
  • Introduction of  two new sections related to the following topics: 
    • Annex A: Performance Characteristics; 
    • Annex B: Guideline for verifications of test methods in AFAP-PSA.



The new version of this document is effective immediately. All testing labs accredited by SCC are requested to update their documents and processes accordingly. Full conformity is expected by 2021-11-24, after which nonconformities will be issued for nonfulfillment of these requirements.    



Please contact Vivekananthan Kulasingham, Manager, Compliance and Assessment Services, at or +1 613 238 3222 for more information.