Refine Results
Displaying 11233 - 11244 of 12084
Accreditation Bulletin
Resuming on-site activities
Action required Take note that the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) is resuming on-site activities, while maintaining a service delivery model that includes both remote and on-site activities. Effective immediately, SCC...
Accreditation Bulletin
Transition to ISO 15189:2022 for accredited laboratories...
Action required Accredited laboratories shall review their existing quality system and prepare for their first assessment against the ISO 15189:2022 according to the timeline described below. Assessors for this program shall...
Accreditation Bulletin
Application of IAF MD 25 for the evaluation of...
Action required IAF MD 25:2023 Criteria for Evaluation of Conformity Assessment Schemes (PDF) is a new mandatory document issued by the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) for all accreditation bodies that are a signatory...
Accreditation Bulletin
ISO/IEC 17025 Transition – Collaboration between...
Action required None for now but consideration should be given to preparing a transition plan to the revised standard which will be required of all ISO/IEC 17025 customers of SCC and those of its partners, Bureau de...
Accreditation Bulletin
ISO/IEC 17025 Transition – Collaboration between...
Action required None for now but consideration should be given to preparing a transition plan to the revised standard which will be required of all ISO/IEC 17025 customers of SCC and those of its partners, Bureau de...
Accreditation Bulletin
SCC Requirements and Guidance for the Accreditation...
Action required Effective immediately, all laboratories must now refer to SCC Requirements and Guidance for the Accreditation of Testing Laboratories and cease referring to CAN-P-1630 - PALCAN Interpretations for Conducting...
Accreditation Bulletin
Transitioning to ISO 50003:2021 Energy management...
Action required Starting on March 7th, 2022 SCC will begin carrying out transition assessments for ISO 50003:2021, and any new applications for EnMS accreditation needed to be assessed against ISO 50003:2021. SCC is...
Accreditation Bulletin
Verified Carbon Standard – VCS Version 4.1
Action required Effective 2021-04-22, Greenhouse Gas Validation and Verification Body Program (VCS Program) customers and applicants shall use VCS Standard Version 4.1. This reflects the document’s publication date. Affected...
Accreditation Bulletin
IBAP: Witness Audit Risk Mitigation Strategy
Action required All eligible SCC accredited Inspection bodies shall submit their documentation as required in a timely manner when requested to qualify for the mitigation process. Affected customers SCC accredited Inspection...
Accreditation Bulletin
Program Delivery Update: Testing Laboratory Assessment...
Action required All SCC eligible accredited testing laboratories shall submit their documentation in a timely manner when requested to qualify for the mitigation process. Affected customers SCC accredited testing and...
Accreditation Bulletin
Management Systems Transition Extensions
Action required Management Systems Accreditation Program certification bodies may implement extensions to their transition plans for the schemes noted below. Additionally, applicable certification bodies shall implement...
Accreditation Bulletin
ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management...
Action required All accredited management systems certification bodies who are currently certifying organizations to OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management must transition those certifications to ISO 45001 by...