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Displaying 817 - 828 of 12152
SCC Engagement with Academia Strategy
The framework for the Academia Standardization Engagement strategy is a fundamental step with the aim of developing cooperation with academia in a systematic way. The strategy will guide SCC’s engagement with academia in...
Design and construction of low-rise residential...
Best practice guidance for homeowners, insurance and other decision-makers to help reduce risk.
SCC Requirements and Guidance for the Presentation...
This document provides guidance in the preparation of the Scope of Testing or Proficiency Testing Providers to be presented for submission to the SCC Program for Accreditation of Laboratories with an application for...
Accreditation Bulletin
SCC’s New Requirements and Guidance Documents...
Action required With the recent publication of SCC Requirements and Guidance for the Accreditation of Testing Laboratories , SCC has now concluded its initiative to replace the CAN-P documents with Requirements & Guidance (R...
Notice of Intent
Aerosol Containers and Gas Cartridges for Transport...
1.1 Organization and Content This standard sets out the requirements for the design, manufacture, testing and inspection of non-refillable containers with a capacity of not more than 1 L and their selection and use for the...
Notice of Intent
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-61: Particular...
Scope IEC 60601-1:2005, Clause 1 applies, except as follows: 201.1.1 * Scope Subclause 1.1 of The general standard is replaced by: This International Standard applies to the BASIC SAFETY and ESSENTIAL PERFORMANCE of PULSE...
Notice of Intent
Information Technology - Coding of Multimedia...
1.1 Context of the Scope ISO/IEC 13522 specifies the coded representation of multimedia/hypermedia information objects (MHEG objects) for interchange as final form units within or across services and applications, by any...
Notice of Intent
Activities Relating To Drinking Water And Wastewater...
This International Standard provides guidelines for the management of wastewater utilities and for the assessment of wastewater services. This International Standard is applicable to publicly and privately owned and operated...
Notice of Intent
Wayfinding for health care facilities
Note: This NOI was withdrawn by the responsible SDO on February 2, 2022. 1.1 1.1.1 This Standard establishes requirements for the planning, design, implementation, maintenance, evaluation, and continual improvement of...
Notice of Intent
Information Technology - Coding of Multimedia...
1.1 Context of the scope ISO/IEC 13522 specifies the coded representation of multimedia/hypermedia information objects (MHEG objects) for interchange as final form units within or across services and applications, by any...
Notice of Intent
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-24: Particular...
Clause 1 of the general standard1 applies, except as follows: 201.1.1 Scope Replacement: This Particular Standard applies to the BASIC SAFETY and ESSENTIAL PERFORMANCE of INFUSION PUMPS and VOLUMETRIC INFUSION CONTROLLERS...
Notice of Intent
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-20: Particular...
201.1.1 Scope Replacement: This part of IEC 60601 applies to the BASIC SAFETY and ESSENTIAL PERFORMANCE of INFANT TRANSPORT INCUBATOR equipment, as defined in 201.3.208, also referred to as ME EQUIPMENT. If a clause or...