Refine Results
Displaying 2749 - 2760 of 10380
Notice of Intent
Engineering design in wood
1.1 This Standard provides criteria for the structural design and appraisal of structures or structural elements made from wood or wood products, including graded lumber, glued-laminated timber, unsanded plywood, oriented...
Notice of Intent
Engineering design in wood
1.1 This Standard provides criteria for the structural design and appraisal of structures or structural elements made from wood or wood products, including graded lumber, glued-laminated timber, unsanded plywood, oriented...
Notice of Intent
Interconnecting Inverter-Based Micro-Distributed...
1.1 This Standard specifies the electrical requirements for safe interconnection of inverter-based micro-distributed resource (micro-DR) systems to low-voltage systems connected to distribution systems. The output of these...
Notice of Intent
Standard Method of Tests for Flammability of ...
The purpose of this standard is to provide test procedures for the assessment of flammability properties of upholstered furniture. This standard includes test methods for evaluating the cigarette ignition resistance of...
Notice of Intent
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-...
This part of IEC 61000 relates to the immunity requirements and test methods for electrical and electronic equipment to conducted, common mode disturbances in the range d.c. to 150 kHz. The object of this standard is to...
Notice of Intent
Requirements for Electronic Flash Apparatus for...
1.1 This standard applies to the following electronic flash apparatus for photographic purposes, having a stored energy not exceeding 2 000 J, together with associated apparatus and not intended to be subjected to dripping or...
Notice of Intent
Performance of Integrated Mechanical Systems ...
1.1 This Standard describes the test procedures, apparatus, and calculations required to determine the performance, capacities, energy consumption, and overall efficiency of residential gas-fired integrated mechanical systems...
Notice of Intent
Portable power equipment
1.1 This Standard applies to electrical power equipment that is generating or distributing power, and that is intended for temporary use in a portable manner. Portability can be achieved by including lifting handles, being...
Notice of Intent
Residential depressurization
1.1 This Standard describes the methods for determining the level of depressurization and solutions to mitigate risk arising from depressurization. 1.2 This Standard applies to detached, semi-detached, and row houses equipped...
Notice of Intent
Standard for Aboveground Horizontal Steel Contained...
1.1 This Standard sets forth the minimum requirements for steel contained tank assemblies that are used for aboveground storage of flammable and combustible liquids such as gasoline, fuel oil, or similar products with a...
Notice of Intent
Test Method for Rating Micro Combined Heat and...
The purpose of this standard is to provide a test method for determining the net electrical generating performance and heat recovery performance of micro combined heat and power (mCHP) devices. In Particular, the standard...
Notice of Intent
Electric motor-operated hand-held tools, transportable...
This clause of Part 1 is applicable, except as follows: Addition: This part of IEC 62841 applies to transportable table saws with - a toothed single blade; or - stacked blades that cut a single groove or slot; or - a moulding...