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SCC Requirements and Guidance for Accreditation...
This document specifies the requirements and guidance for the accreditation of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Verifiers for International Civil Aviation Organization’s Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation...
Accreditation Bulletin
Federal Government’s Output Based Pricing System...
Action required None at this time. Affected customers Greenhouse Gas Validation and Verification Bodies Background As of January 2019, Canadian regulated facilities will be required to submit verified compliance reports, to...
Proposed Standardization Solutions Supporting...
Standardization holds great promise to boost Canada’s competitiveness and safeguard the health and safety of its citizens. Senior decision-makers from Canada’s oil and gas sector are integral to strengthening Canada’s...
Program Overview - Validation and Verification...
Version 1 – April 2024 This document describes Validation and Verification Body Accreditation Program requirements, accreditation cycle requirements and witnessing requirements.
Notice of Intent
Scrap steel processing
The proposed standard will discuss technical issues that need to be addressed for better handling and cleaning of scrap steel. It will provide technical solutions during recycling processes to improve quality and reduce...
Beyond Disclosure: Driving Performance & Trust...
Getting beyond greenwashing through standardization Environmental, Social and Governance performance (or ESG) is an increasingly important topic amongst organizations around the world, driven in large part by growing consumer...
SCC’s Innovation Initiative Case Studies Compendium
SCC created its Innovation Initiative in 2017 so Canadian innovators from coast to coast could reap the benefits that standardization offers. We engaged with more than 250 from small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to...
SCC’s Innovation Initiative
Whether it is a company that has developed a cutting-edge idea, or an established business that is adapting to stay relevant, innovation offers organizations the key to success. In 2017, the federal government announced an...
Conformity Assessment in Canada: Understanding...
This report provides a broad overview of the conformity assessment system, what it is, how it operates, its social and economic importance to Canada, and the implications for internal trade.
Standards in Action: Building a Climate Resilient...
Since 2016, SCC’s Standards to Support Resilience in Infrastructure Program has led the development of dozens of standards and related guidance to safeguard critical infrastructure in Canada. SCC held a national consultation...
Using Climate Information in Standards Development
Technical Companion to the Guide for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation Considerations into Canadian StandardsTechnical Companion to the Guide for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation Considerations into Canadian...
Corporate Plan Summary 2024-25 to 2028-29 | Enabling...
Standards and conformity assessments are critical enablers of the 21st-century knowledge economy, providing for effective, safe, reliable and interoperable products, services and processes. Standardization underpins a robust...