
Proposed Standardization Solutions Supporting Oil and Gas Sector Priorities (Industry Sector Profile)

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​Standardization holds great promise to boost Canada’s competitiveness and safeguard the health and safety of its citizens. Senior decision-makers from Canada’s oil and gas sector are integral to strengthening Canada’s standardization network and to creating opportunities for a more competitive Canada.

This document identifies standardization specific solutions to address the challenges and priorities of Canada’s oil and gas sector leaders. These challenges and opportunities were confirmed during the Standards Council of Canada’s (SCC’s) recent outreach activities to this sector’s leaders. Within this document, opportunities within the following three specific areas of Canada’s oil and gas supply chain are highlighted: 

  1. Labour mobility barriers, by proposing that operators’ qualifications, competencies and certification be standardized. 
  2. Occupational health and safety standards, disparities across federal, provincial and territorial regulations, by harmonizing jurisdictions. 
  3. Pipeline import trade flows, by seeding Canadian pipeline design and construction standards internationally.