Refine Results
Displaying 8293 - 8304 of 11298
Notice of Intent
Drain water heat recovery units
This Standard specifies requirements for the durability and safety of vertically installed, falling-film drain water heat recovery (DWHR) units This Standard applies to DWHR units of any diameter and length and configuration...
Notice of Intent
Security for industrial automation and control...
This part of IEC 62443 provides detailed technical control system component requirements (CRs) associated with the seven foundational requirements (FRs) described in IEC TS 62443- 1-1 including defining the requirements for...
Notice of Intent
Information technology - JPEG 2000 image coding...
This Recommendation | International Standard defines a normative but optional file format for storing compound images using the JPEG 2000 file format family architecture. This format is an extension of the JP2 file format...
Notice of Intent
Extruded Insulating Tubing
1.1 This Standard specifies the requirements for insulating tubing that is usually round in cross-section and that consists entirely of extruded compounds whose characteristic constituents are thermosetting, elastomeric, or...
Notice of Intent
LED modules for general lighting - Safety specifications...
This International Standard specifies general and safety requirements for light-emitting diode (LED) modules: - LED modules without integral control gear for operation under constant voltage, constant current or constant...
Notice of Intent
Wood preservation
1.1 The CSA O80 Series of Standards specifies requirements related to the preservation and fire retardance of wood through chemical treatment (pressure and thermal impregnation). The subjects covered include materials and...
Notice of Intent
Standard for Fire Hydrants
This Standard covers dry barrel type hydrants intended for use in piping systems supplying water for fire protection service. Hydrants shall be designed for a minimum working pressure of 1000 kPa. Hydrants of special design...
Notice of Intent
Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries - Specific...
This part of ISO 19901 provides requirements and guidance for the planning and engineering of marine operations, encompassing the design and analysis of the components, systems, equipment and procedures required to perform...
Notice of Intent
Petroleum and natural gas industries - Specific...
This part of ISO 19901 specifies requirements, and provides recommendations and guidelines for marine soil investigations regarding: objectives, planning and execution of marine soil investigations; deployment of...
Notice of Intent
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-...
This part of IEC 61000 is concerned with the emission of voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker produced by equipment and impressed on the public low-voltage supply system. It specifies the limits of voltage...
Notice of Intent
Standard for Heat Detectors for Fire Alarm Systems
These requirements cover heat-actuated fire detectors intended for ordinary (nonhazardous) and outdoor locations, for use as components in automatic fire protective systems, to be installed in accordance installation in...
Notice of Intent
Performance Rating for Radiant Output of Gas ...
Note: This NOI was withdrawn by the responsible SDO on August 15, 2023. Note: The standards development activity, scope and project need for this NOI (originally published on May 20, 2020), was updated by the responsible SDO...