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SCC leading the way to develop a National Standards Strategy

SCC is set to launch the development of a National Standards Strategy (NSS) that will ensure Canadian standardization interests are strategically represented internationally. The NSS has a vital role in helping Canadian sectors respond to emerging technologies and build back better following the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The goal of the NSS is to identify the priorities and sectors the Canadian standards system should focus on. The National Standards Advisory Committee, which held its first meeting on June 21, will provide insight at key moments of the Strategy’s development. It is made up of a diverse group of stakeholders from industry, government, standards development organisations, civil society and academia. This committee, supported by SCC staff, will help produce a NSS over the next 10 months. SCC will reach out to Canadians for a public consultation to ensure the Strategy is reflective of the needs of Canadians. The consultation, currently in design, will launch virtually in the fall.

This strategy will guide how Canada develops standards and participates in the international standards-setting process,” says Chantal Guay, CEO of SCC. “I am honoured to collaborate with incredible experts who reflect the diverse mosaic of Canada. Together, we will create unparalleled opportunities to boost Canada’s economic competitiveness, drive innovation, and enhance health and safety across sectors. I commend this group of influencers for recognizing the value of Canada’s standards system and coming together to contribute to this Strategy.”

The NSS will also help Canada achieve its sustainable development goals, build a climate-resilient future, and meet the needs of northern communities through sustainable and quality infrastructure. 

Why a National Standards Strategy?

By identifying and focusing on areas of strategic importance to our country, the National Standards Strategy will ensure efforts to improve Canada’s standardization system are strategic, deliberate and focused. Such discussions will address Canada’s position domestically, within North America, and internationally.

Developing timely and effective standards are essential to securing Canada’s future competitiveness and ensuring that Canada’s standards system is inclusive for all market needs and consumers. 

What are standards?

Standards are agreed-upon rules or guidelines to establish accepted practices, terminologies and technical requirements in different fields. They are not the same as laws, regulations or codes, though they are often referenced in those legal instruments. They are used in a range of sectors and cover a range of activities – from making a product, to managing a process, to delivering a service or supplying materials. They are like a formula that prescribes the best way of doing something.

How to participate in Standards Development?

Participating in standards development allows experts to shape the standards that impact them. Find opportunities to get involved in standardization activities.