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New Collaborative to advance responsible AI and data governance

The rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have brought about new opportunities and technologies that are transforming our way of life. However, concerns related to the reliability of these systems, privacy and ethics are becoming increasingly important and require attention. 

The Standards Council of Canada (SCC) has launched the AI and Data Governance Standardization Collaborative, which will build on the recommendations of the Canadian Data Governance Standardization Roadmap as well as the white paper from Schwartz Reisman Institute for Technology and Society, “Making signal from noise: The state of global AI standardization and what it means for Canada.” The Collaborative will focus on standardization strategies to support the Canadian economy, competitiveness, and trade, particularly for micro-, small, and medium-sized enterprises.

Standardization has a crucial role to play to ensure the responsible and safe use of data and AI. Standards and conformity assessment promote harmonization and market access, and inspire consumer trust in products and systems. 

"Canada has the opportunity to be a leader in artificial intelligence technology. We are working on multiple fronts to ensure that standardization strategies are in place to support Canadian innovation, while also ensuring the safe and responsible development and use of AI. SCC is facilitating this work by doing what we do best: helping to solve complex issues by bringing together experts, affected parties and the standardization network to collaborate and develop innovative, consensus-based solutions."
– Chantal Guay, CEO, Standards Council of Canada

SCC has engaged leading experts to chair the initiative, including Anil Arora, Chief Statistician of Canada, Philip Dawson, Head of AI Policy for Armilla AI and Ashley Casovan, Executive Director of the Responsible AI Institute. Together they will help guide the selection and implementation of standardization strategies that enhance Canada’s position as a global leader in AI and data regulation.

"I am pleased to serve as co-chair of this important initiative on AI and data governance standardization. Almost every day, AI changes the way Canadians access and interact with data. Statistics Canada has an important role to play by sharing our expertise in data governance, and ensuring Canadians continue trusting the products and systems they rely on.”
– Anil Arora, Chief Statistician of Canada

Get involved

We will also be offering opportunities for Canadians to be actively involved in the international AI and data governance standardization landscape. If you would like to get involved or find out more about the Collaborative, contact us at