Person speaking to a room full of people

Leading the way: SCC's impact at the ILAC-IAF Joint Annual Meetings

The annual ILAC-IAF Joint Annual Meetings, held this year in Montréal, Canada, are a crucial international gathering for organizations dedicated to ensuring the integrity and competence of conformity assessment bodies. The Standards Council of Canada (SCC) was thrilled to connect with accreditation bodies from around the world.

This event serves as a vital platform for organizations to collaborate, exchange ideas, and drive progress in the world of accreditation and conformity assessment. The connections made, insights gained, and contributions solidify SCC's position as a leader in the field, making a lasting impact on global trade facilitation and consumer safety.

ILAC and IAF: International trust and excellence with accreditation

The International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) and the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) are international organizations with a shared commitment to upholding the credibility and competence of accreditation and conformity assessment bodies. They play a pivotal role in creating a comprehensive framework for conformity assessment on a global scale and help ensure that businesses and consumers can have confidence in the quality, reliability and impartiality of accredited conformity assessment bodies’ work. Their collaborative efforts are essential for promoting excellence in the field and facilitating international trade by removing technical barriers.

SCC's involvement and commitment to accreditation excellence

SCC actively participates, with key staff members assuming leadership roles in working groups and committees. These positions exemplify SCC’s commitment to advancing industry standards and promoting excellence on the international stage.

Abdel Kassou: Co-Convenor of the IAF Digital Working Group

Abdel Kassou, manager, compliance and assessment services, plays a key role in the IAF Digital Working Group, focused on embracing new technology and digitalization in the field of conformity assessment. The working group ensures that IAF documents, rules, and policies align with industry expectations and support the evolution of accredited conformity assessment in the digital age.

William O'Neill: Vice-Chair of the IAF Database Management Committee 

William O'Neill, manager, business and new program Development, led discussions on the implementation of the new Mandatory Document for the Upload and Maintenance of Data on the IAF Database. This document aims to enhance the quality and consistency of data uploads, improving the overall efficiency and reliability of the database.

Jacquelyn MacCoon: Convenor of the APAC Joint Working Group on Accreditation and AI

Jacquelyn MacCoon, senior project manager, new programs, was appointed as the convenor for a new working group that explores the intersection of accreditation and artificial intelligence (AI). This joint working group focuses on accrediting conformity assessment bodies using AI and how Asia Pacific Accreditation Cooperation (APAC) members can use AI in their assessments.

SCC’s Accreditation Services delegation at the ILAC-IAF Joint Annual Meetings in Montreal, Canada: William O’Neill, Magdalena Turlejski, Elias Rafoul, Cynthia Milito and Abdel Kassou.

Photo: SCC’s Accreditation Services delegation at the ILAC-IAF Joint Annual Meetings in Montreal, Canada: William O’Neill, Magdalena Turlejski, Elias Rafoul, Cynthia Milito and Abdel Kassou.


A platform for innovation

In addition to the leadership roles, SCC Accreditation Services staff members attended the conference to exchange ideas with colleagues in the sector. They had the opportunity to learn about best practices and innovative projects in leading-edge sectors at other accreditation organizations from around the world. These encounters lead to new partnerships, opportunities, and insights that keep SCC at the forefront of the industry.

Want to know more? 

Get in touch at if you or your organization are interested in learning learn more about our accreditation services. We offer training, can present to a group and can answer questions on a one-on-one basis. We are also recruiting assessors and technical experts to join our team.