IEEE SA accredited to develop National Standards of Canada
The IEEE Standards Association (IEEE SA) earned accreditation from the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) to develop National Standards of Canada.

Photo: SCC and IEEE SA staff
IEEE SA is a global standards development organization (SDO) that develops consensus-based standards through an open process that engages industry and brings together a broad community of interested parties. As part of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE), IEEE SA advances the development of standards-related solutions addressing autonomous and intelligent systems, child online safety, sustainability, energy, health care and transportation, among other areas.
“The IEEE SA is a trusted global partner whose standards benefit humanity. Its open, collaborative environment offers a multitude of pathways to achieve technically sound and implementable outcomes that help address market needs as well as societal ones. The recent SCC accreditation is another example demonstrating the trust the world places in us, our standardization environment, our communities, and our standards,” said Alpesh Shah, Managing Director, IEEE SA. “We look to continue to uphold that trust as we further enable SCC’s aims to improve the lives of people living in Canada through the Canadian Standardization Ecosystem.”
As an SCC-accredited SDO, IEEE SA can submit standards to SCC for acceptance as National Standards of Canada. Standards help ensure that the technology our society relies on functions safely, securely, and sustainably. IEEE SA has a rich history of delivering solutions that impact technological innovation and interoperability, and expansion of global markets and consumer choice.
“We are excited to welcome IEEE SA as our newest SDO,” said Elias Rafoul, SCC Vice-President, Accreditation Services Branch. “Canada’s standardization system will benefit greatly from their vast expertise in autonomous and intelligent systems, connectivity and telecom, energy, health care and life sciences, and mobility.”
The entrance of IEEE SA into SCC’s network of accredited SDOs strengthens the collaboration between SCC and IEEE SA as they deliver standardization solutions to better serve the needs of users in Canada.
“Collaboration is at the heart of standardization,” said Chantal Guay, CEO of Standards Council of Canada. “We are delighted to have IEEE SA join our network of accredited SDOs, which fosters trust in the systems, products and services that benefit industry, government and consumers.”
Nationally, several IEEE standards related to energy efficiency and renewable electricity are already referenced in regulations. The Canadian Electrical Code also references 20 IEEE standards.
About the IEEE Standards Association
IEEE Standards Association (IEEE SA) is a collaborative organization where innovators raise the world’s standards for technology. IEEE SA provides a globally open, consensus-building environment and platform that empowers people to work together in the development of leading-edge, market-relevant technology standards, and industry solutions shaping a better, safer and sustainable world.
About IEEE
IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. Through its highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities, IEEE is the trusted voice in a wide variety of areas ranging from aerospace systems, computers, and telecommunications to biomedical engineering, electric power, and consumer electronics.
About the Standards Council of Canada
Since 1970, the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) has helped make life safer, healthier, more prosperous and sustainable for people, communities and businesses in Canada through the power of standardization. SCC works with a vast network of partners nationally and around the world, acting as Canada’s voice on standards and accreditation on the international stage, including as a member of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). As the country’s leading accreditation organization, SCC creates market confidence at home and abroad by ensuring conformity assessment bodies meet the highest expectations. In all these ways, SCC opens a world of possibilities.