Plastic bottles in blue recycle bin

Comprehensive study identifies key considerations for integration of recycled content in plastic products

New research has identified key considerations to verify recycled content claims in plastic products to inform actions in support of Canada’s target of achieving at least 50% recycled content in plastic products, where applicable, by 2030. This target aims to extend the life of materials, reduce waste and greenhouse gas emissions, and support the transition to a circular economy.   

Currently, Canada generates approximately 3 million tonnes of plastic waste, of which 9% is recycled and represents a loss of approximately $8 billion in value to the Canadian economy. The remainder is discarded in landfills or leaks into the environment as plastic pollution, where it has caused harm to organisms and their habitats.

To address this, companies around the globe in various sectors across the economy are increasingly using recycled content and adopting voluntary recycled content targets for plastic products and packaging. As governments and industry consider actions to increase the use of recycled plastic, a critical element will be how to measure and verify recycled content in products. 

To support this approach, the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) and Environment and Climate Change Canada commissioned a comparative assessment of existing and in-development North American and international standards and certification protocols for verifying recycled content in plastic products. 

The research was carried out by sustainability consultancy Eunomia Research & Consulting, which identified needs for effective future certification programs. The project also engaged Circular Innovation Council, which interviewed industry and government stakeholders to understand uptake and use of standards and certifications; factors influencing choice; as well as the key barriers affecting the integration of recycled content in manufacturing processes. Interviews also revealed that recycled plastic feedstocks move freely between packaging and product sectors, which underscores the need for new recycled content standards to consider the plastics economy at a macro level.

Sarah Edwards, Head of Eunomia’s Americas Office, said: “As governments and brands set recycled content targets, there needs to be clear and common rules on how compliance is measured, and traceability demonstrated through agreed chain of custody models to ensure uniformity. The landscape analysis of recycled content certification programs presented in our report provides a basis for the Government of Canada and industry to consider their approach to recycled content verification.”

The study found that use and verification of recycled content is still in its infancy and varies between resin types and product sectors. The use and choice of program also varies by industry sector and includes third-party and internally developed programs, which reflects several differences. These include definitions of key terms; acceptable chain of custody models for physical and chemical traceability; what to include in the calculation of recycled content; auditing and compliance methodology; labelling systems; and how outputs from non-mechanical recycling contribute to recycled content goals. 

The study further suggests the federal government should consider setting minimum requirements for verification and reporting of recycled content that any new or existing program would have to meet to incorporate effective verification in Canada.

“As governments, businesses, and households across the globe take action on plastic pollution, it is important for Canada to do our part,” said Chantal Guay, CEO at SCC. “One action governments can take is to strengthen markets for recycled plastic, supported by robust standards and conformity assessment programs to measure and verify recycled content in plastic products. This foundational report sheds light on the various standards and programs currently used in North America and around the world, while guiding the way forward for standards and conformity assessment programs that make recycling more competitive in Canada, helping to keep plastic in the economy and out of the environment.”

“With growing interest in maximizing recycled content in plastic products and packaging it is critical to set effective standards to support transparency and market fairness,” said Jo-Anne St.Godard, Executive Director, Circular Innovation Council.  “The research also uncovered the importance in recognizing different stages of uptake in product and packaging applications, as well as the need to support broad use of recycled content to accelerate a robust circular economy for plastics.”

The report’s release comes amid a growing number of initiatives and regulations worldwide aimed at reducing plastic pollution. The focus on how to measure recycled content to ensure there is a common and fair process for doing so is being discussed in many other jurisdictions, including the European Union, which is also being supported by Eunomia to develop a general method for the calculation, verification and reporting of recycled content in single-use plastic bottles as part of the Single Use Plastics Directive.

To view the full report please visit the Eunomia website at The full report is currently available in English only.

Media enquiries:
Alison Pickering / Rob Cole
Eunomia Research & Consulting
E-mail: /
Tel: +44 (0) 7775 854 341 / +44 (0) 7450 548 224

Notes on Eunomia

1. Established in 2001, Eunomia Research & Consulting is an international environmental consultancy dedicated to adding value to organisations through the delivery of improved outcomes. Eunomia has over 120 employees, with offices in Bristol, London, Manchester, Brussels, Athens, New York and Auckland. Eunomia’s consultants have experience and expertise in environmental, technical and commercial disciplines. Eunomia’s main service areas include:

  • Waste management;
  • Low carbon and renewable energy;
  • Resource efficiency;
  • Circular economy;
  • Climate emergency strategy services;
  • Environmental economics and policy;
  • Policy and programme evaluation;
  • Marine planning;
  • Sustainable future transport;
  • Natural capital and ecosystem services;
  • Water and Flood risk management;
  • Climate change adaptation; and
  • Social aspects of environmental change. 

2. Eunomia is an appointed advisor to many types of organisations including central government, local and regional authorities, non-governmental organisations, charities, national utilities, health trusts, universities, global brands, manufacturers, retailers, waste management and technology companies, as well as global financial institutions.

3.  For more information about Eunomia, please visit

About the Standards Council of Canada

Established in 1970 as a federal Crown corporation, the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) is Canada’s voice on standards and accreditation on the national and international stage. SCC works closely with a vast network of partners to promote the development of effective and efficient standards that protect the health, safety and well-being of Canadians while helping businesses prosper. As Canada’s leading accreditation organization, SCC creates market confidence at home and abroad by ensuring that conformity assessment bodies meet the highest national and international standards. SCC advances Canada’s interest on the international scene as a member of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) by connecting thousands of people to global networks and resources, opening a world of possibilities for Canadians and businesses.

About Circular Innovation Council 

Circular Innovation Council – originally established as Recycling Council of Ontario in 1978 – believes that shifting production and consumption in a circular economy simultaneously supports environmental, economic, and social objectives of sustainable living.

We are inclusive and collaborative among supply and value chains, and seek to advance business models, products, and services that can deliver on the values and benefits of a circular economy.

Through better resource efficiency – reuse, share, repair, refurbish, remanufacture, recover in a closed-loop system – we can reduce waste, pollution, and carbon emissions. In doing so, we showcase innovation by putting circular economy concepts into action.