Abstract and modern digital interface

Canada at the forefront of exploring biodigital convergence

The merging of digital technologies with biological systems is poised to create social and mass market changes, in the same way that the rise of digital computing in 1985 altered society at large. Biodigital convergence is a new field of research exploring the interaction between digital and biological technologies and systems. Bioprinters that produce organic tissue, the medical use of digital devices in humans, and automated biofoundries (factories) for the redesign of living organisms are just a few examples. Standards have a vital role to play in assessing the long-term impact, benefits, and challenges of this new field. 

Canada is leading international efforts at IEC to investigate research and emerging market trends, and propose a roadmap for standardization in the area. IEC established the Standardization Evaluation Group (SEG) 12 on Biodigital convergence based on the work of Kristel Van der Elst, Director General of Policy Horizons Canada, and member of the IEC Market Strategy Board responsible for identifying technological trends and market needs in the IEC fields of activity. Policy Horizons Canada spearheads Canada’s strategic foresight work on biodigital convergence.

Standardization Evaluation Groups at IEC are responsible for evaluating the need to establish a committee or pursue other standards-related activities in the field. SEGs are made up of global sector experts within and outside the IEC community.

This is the first time Canada is leading an SEG. 

“Biodigital convergence is more than a technological change,” says Van der Elst. “It may transform economic and trade models, and industries such as manufacturing, health care, and agriculture. It could transform the way we understand ourselves and cause us to redefine what we consider human. Standards play a key role in shaping what our biodigital future might look like.”

IEC appointed François Coallier, SCC Governing Council member, to lead SEG 12 as Convenor. 

“The potential impact of biodigital convergence on commercial sectors and our day-to-day lives is enormous,” says Coallier. “The opportunity to embark on this journey is a win for Canada. I’m both humbled and excited to have the privilege of working with pioneering experts from around the world.” 

For more information on IEC SEG 12, email 

About Policy Horizons Canada 

Policy Horizons Canada is a federal government organization that conducts foresight. Its mandate is to help the Government of Canada develop future-oriented policy and programs that are more robust and resilient in the face of disruptive change on the horizon.

About the Standards Council of Canada

Established in 1970 as a federal Crown corporation, the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) is Canada’s voice on standards and accreditation on the national and international stage. SCC works closely with a vast network of partners to promote the development of effective and efficient standards that protect the health, safety and well-being of Canadians while helping businesses prosper. As Canada’s leading accreditation organization, SCC creates market confidence at home and abroad by ensuring that conformity assessment bodies meet the highest national and international standards. SCC advances Canada’s interest on the international scene as a member of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) by connecting thousands of people to global networks and resources, opening a world of possibilities for Canadians and businesses.