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Accessibility Standards Canada receives accreditation, solidifies position as leader in standards development

In the last two years, Accessibility Standards Canada emerged as an important player for accessibility to Canadians with disabilities. Recently, the organization signed the accreditation agreement from the Standards Council of Canada (SCC), which recognizes Accessibility Standards Canada as a standards development organization. The standards they develop will become National Standards of Canada and are expected to benefit all Canadians. 

It marks a major milestone for Accessibility Standards Canada as it strives to make Canada a place without barriers. Prior to receiving its accreditation, Accessibility Standards Canada took on several steps and processes, notably:

  • creating and adhering to systematic protocols and procedures in operating technical committees;
  • implementing in-house quality assurance practices; and,
  • ensuring all staff involved in the development of standards are properly trained 

Accreditation carries many benefits for Accessibility Standards Canada and its stakeholders:

  • It validates that Accessibility Standards Canada’s standards development process is credible and reliable.
  • It means the organization is setting a new best practice in how to involve people with disabilities, those with lived experience and other subject matter experts in the development of accessibility standards.
  • It increases the chance that the standards the organization creates will be adopted by other entities, such as Provinces and Territories. This in turns means a superior impact, greater barrier removal, and a more consistent experience of accessibility across Canada.


“Accreditation is a milestone for Accessibility Standards Canada. It places us amongst a select group of recognized standards development organizations in Canada and the world. This opens the door to having the accessibility standards we create become part of the National Standards of Canada. It also means that our standards may be adopted into regulation more quickly, meaning they may have a greater impact and reach across Canada. Today’s news reinforces the idea that we are a leader in standards development and we are excited for what is to come.”

– Philip Rizcallah, Chief Executive Officer, Accessibility Standards Canada

“We are thrilled that Accessibility Standards Canada has joined Canada’s standardization network as SCC’s 13th standards development organization. Their knowledge and extensive experience in the areas of accessibility, social change, human rights and inclusion will greatly benefit Canadians as they develop standards that help eliminate barriers faced by people with disabilities. Their important work will improve accessibility and make a positive impact on the lives of more than six million Canadians living with disabilities.”

– Chantal Guay, Chief Executive Officer, Standards Council of Canada

Quick facts

  • The accreditation of Accessibility Standards Canada is significant as it shows that the processes the organization follows to create standards align with the best practices in Canada and the world.
  • On December 2nd, 2021, the organization completed its accreditation process.
  • By becoming accredited, Accessibility Standards Canada can officially become a leader in the development of standards. It validates that our development process and organization are credible and reliable.
  • Accessibility Standards Canada was created to help remove barriers in Canada by creating and reviewing standards for the federal government and federally governed entities.
  • Accessibility Standards Canada is the thirteenth standards development organization accredited by the Standards Council of Canada, the first of which in Canada that focuses exclusively on accessibility standards.
  • The Standards Council of Canada works closely with a vast network to promote the development of effective and efficient standards that protect the health, safety and well-being of Canadians.
  • Accredited standards development organizations are responsible for the development, publication and maintenance of National Standards of Canada and National Adoptions of Canada, which is a mechanism to adopt international and regional standards.

Associated links

Accessibility Standards Canada
Creating accessibility standards
Standards Council of Canada


Martine Bareil
Manager, Communications
Accessibility Standards Canada
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Nadine James
Manager, Communications
Standards Council of Canada
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