WindTrans: Finding a path to certification for a breakthrough product

WindTrans is an innovative company based in Seaforth, Ontario, that designs and manufactures energy efficient products. The company created a new and revolutionary high-volume, low-speed pump that would change how efficiently the world moves fluids and harnesses kinetic energy. This versatile new energy efficient and portable pump could be operated by hand, kinetic power or motor.

The pump transfers fluids quickly with little effort, with or without an engine or motor. It is the first high-flow rate pump operating efficiently at low rotational speeds in either pump or turbine mode. It can also be used as a turbine to produce electricity when connected to a generator.

The pump is ideal for situations when there is no power or grid assistance, such as remote areas and during power outages. It is perfectly suited for use in firefighting, flood control, spill recovery, and any time when connecting to power is impossible. It can also pump high and low viscosity fluids, from sludge to fresh water.

Although WindTrans was ready to go to market with the pump, the company faced challenges certifying it since no standard applied to their innovative technology. Customer demand and concerns over liability drove their need for certification, especially since the pump is intended for a range of fluids, including heavier ones like oil.

SCC provided WindTrans with the help they needed to have an amendment made to an existing standard to address their innovative product. Achieving certification under this amended standard has enabled WindTrans to access new markets and stay competitive.