NRC: Developing a standardized method for nanoscale measurements for tomography

Nanotechnology companies need to be able to certify their products at nearly atomic resolution (at around ~1 nm). They also need a fast tool for performing diagnostic tests and troubleshooting production processes. Having these tools is key to ensuring companies have a competitive advantage and facilitating the flow of goods between countries.


3-D – or electron – tomography in a transmission electron microscope (TEM) can respond to this need. Electron tomography provides a detailed image that can separate and recognize the distance between nanoparticles and measure their size and even their roughness. But no standardized method existed to ensure the images and measurements produced by electron tomography in a TEM are reproducible and accurate.


SCC worked with researchers at the National Research Centre’s Nanotechnology Research Centre in Edmonton to help them develop an ISO Technical Specification (TS) that would provide a documented, reproducible way to quantitatively measure the shape and volume of nanoparticles in three dimensions (with single digit nanometer spatial resolution in all three dimensions).


This TS benefits a broad range of stakeholders – from companies that manufacture products with nanocomponents to protection agencies that want to evaluate the safety of nano-enabled products for our health and the environment.