Ecostrat Inc.: Supporting Canada’s biomass sector

Ecostrat Inc. is a Toronto-based company that assesses, develops, optimizes and manages biomass supply chains. It both aggregates and supplies various types of biomass for a range of markets, as well as assessing, validating and optimizing bio-based feedstock supply chains for project developers, power utilities, financial institutions, investment funds, engineering companies, US national labs, governments and First Nations communities.

In the past, it was difficult for bio-projects to obtain financing because there was no standardized biomass feedstock risk evaluation protocol. This was a major barrier to industry growth. In 2016, Ecostrat started developing the Biomass Supply Chain Risk Standards. It is a standardized biomass feedstock risk assessment protocol designed to enable capital markets to more accurately quantify bio-feedstock risk and reduce the level of uncertainty that is currently a significant driver of low bio-project credit ratings and high capital costs.

SCC worked with Ecostrat to support the development of a National Standard of Canada on Biomass Supply Chain Risk and create a validated method to price feedstock risk and accelerate bio-project financing. CSA W209:2 provides a means for developers and investors to quantify and qualify biomass feedstock risk, helping to drive lender confidence and de-risk investment in biomass-based projects across Canada. By creating a validated method and standardized solution with SCC to price feedstock risk and accelerate bio-project financing, Ecostrat has solidified its position as an innovative leader in the Canadian bioeconomy.