AML Oceanographic: Developing marine sensing technology that users can rely on

AML Oceanographic is an innovative company based in British Columbia that designs and manufactures instrumentation and deployment systems for marine sensing, environmental monitoring, and other subsea applications.

Marine sensors are used for a growing number of applications such as mapping the ocean floor and waterways, aquaculture subsea construction and understanding the effects of climate change on the world’s oceans, lakes and rivers. To make full use of the information these sensors collect, they must provide accurate, reliable and consistent data. However, no international standard existed to ensure device accuracy in measurement for marine sensors.

SCC’s strategic advice and expertise helped AML lead the development of an ISO standard for marine sensors. The standard sets out universal device specifications to ensure consistent results and a standardized approach for performance tests of these devices as well as a consistent method to report on those tests. This means customers can truly compare technologies when purchasing marine sensors. For AML Oceanographic, it means they can better demonstrate their equipment’s capabilities and compete internationally.

Participating in international standards development has allowed AML to gain invaluable access to potential customers, particularly in China. It will also help AML influence the very market rules that affect its operations and ultimate success, as well as demonstrate Canadian leadership in this field to the world.