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Electrical Energy Storage (EES) systems

Engineering technologies

"1. Standardization in the field of grid integrated EES systems in order to support grid
- TC 120 focuses on system aspects on EES systems rather than energy storage devices.
- TC 120 investigates system aspects and the need for new standards for EES systems.
-TC 120 also focuses on the interaction between EES systems and Electric Power Systems
2. For the purpose of TC120, “grid” includes and is not limited to applications in:
a) transmission grids
b) distribution grids
c) islanded grids
d) customer installation
It is also confirmed that TC120 can include “smart grid” Storage in railway systems is
considered if it contributes as an EES system to the grid as referenced in 2 a) d).
Note: Grid is a synonym for electricity supply network (ISO/IEC 15067-3)
A smart grid is an electric power system that utilizes information exchange and control
technologies, distributed computing and associated sensors and actuators, for purposes
such as:
- to integrate the behaviour and actions of the network users and other stakeholders
- to efficiently deliver sustainable, economic and secure electricity supplies (IEV 617-04-13)
3. EES systems include any type of grid-connected EES systems which can both store
electrical energy from a grid or any other source and provide electrical energy to a grid. By
that feature it maintains the balance between electrical energy demand and supply over a
period of time.
TC 120 considers all storage technologies as long as they are capable to store and to
discharge electrical energy. (Energy storage itself is not in the scope of the work.)
Note: Thermal storage systems are included in the scope, only from the point of view of extracting and injection eletricity.
Uninterruptible power systems only having that funxtion (UPS) and similar backup power souces are not included in the scope of TC
4. The scope of TC 120 is to prepare normative documents dealing with the system aspects
of EES systems.
For example, TC 120 deals with defining unit parameters, testing methods, planning and
installation, guide for environmental issues and system safety aspects."

* This committee is overseen by one of SCC’s partner organizations, which will process your application and onboarding. Our partner organization will advise on next steps.

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Apply to this committee

Apply to this committee:

Step 1: Select one of the links above to fill out the application form. 

  • If you are a Standards Council of Canada (SCC) member, assessor or staff member, select the “Sign in with SCC” button to complete the form. 
  • If you have signed up with SCC using your email address, select the “Login with your SCC guest account” button to complete the form.
  • If you are new to SCC, you need to create an account with us. Select the button “Create a new guest account.” After your request is approved, our team will activate your account, then send you a link to the committee application form. 

Step 2: Complete the questions on the form and attach: 

  • your resumé / curriculum vitae (CV) 
  • a motivation letter on how your experience aligns with the committee’s scope

Step 3: Our Member Services team will review your application and reach out with our decision.

Step 4: Our team will onboard successful candidates.


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