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International special committee on radio interference

Electronics, information technology and telecommunications

Standardization in the field of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) including:

  1. Protection of radio reception in the range 9 kHz to 400 GHz from interference caused by operation of electrical or electronic appliances and systems in the electromagnetic environment.
  2. Measurement instrumentation, facilities, methods and statistical analysis for the measurement of disturbance.
  3. Limits for radio disturbances caused by electrical or electronic appliances and systems.
  4. Requirements for the immunity of electrical appliances, multimedia equipment, information technology equipment and sound and television broadcast receiving installations from interference.
  5. Liaison with IEC Technical Committees that maintain basic standards that apply the prescriptions of methods of measurement of such immunity. Test levels for such immunity tests will be set by CISPR in relevant product standards.
  6. The consideration jointly with other IEC and ISO committees of the emission and immunity requirements for devices and products where their standards cover EMC requirements which do not match to the respective requirements in CISPR standards.
  7. Taking into account the impact of safety issues on disturbance suppression and immunity of electrical equipment.

For further information about CISPR standards see the CISPR Guide.

The CISPR is composed of the following bodies:

Participating National Committees of the IEC and the following International Organizations:

  • CIGRE (International Council on Large Electric Systems)
  • EBU (European Broadcasting Union)
  • ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute)
  • IARU (International Amateur Radio Union)
  • ITU-R (International Telecommunications Union - Radio-communications Sector)
  • ITU-T (International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication Standardization Sector)


* This committee is overseen by one of SCC’s partner organizations, which will process your application and onboarding. Our partner organization will advise on next steps.

For more information,FSP_LANG_ID:1298,25

Apply to this committee

Apply to this committee:

Step 1: Select one of the links above to fill out the application form. 

  • If you are a Standards Council of Canada (SCC) member, assessor or staff member, select the “Sign in with SCC” button to complete the form. 
  • If you have signed up with SCC using your email address, select the “Login with your SCC guest account” button to complete the form.
  • If you are new to SCC, you need to create an account with us. Select the button “Create a new guest account.” After your request is approved, our team will activate your account, then send you a link to the committee application form. 

Step 2: Complete the questions on the form and attach: 

  • your resumé / curriculum vitae (CV) 
  • a motivation letter on how your experience aligns with the committee’s scope

Step 3: Our Member Services team will review your application and reach out with our decision.

Step 4: Our team will onboard successful candidates.


Thank you for your interest in becoming a subject matter expert representing Canada on its mirror committee to the international technical committee of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) or the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).


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As a member, you will:

  • network with experts from different backgrounds
  • gain access to industry insights, trends and best practices that will help your professional development
  • explore how standardization can support your industry
  • exchange knowledge to boost your organization's competitive edge