Updated Accreditation Services Program Overview

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Action required

Take note of the changes in the revised Accreditation Program Overview


Affected customers

All customers, applicants, assessors and inspectors in all SCC accreditation and recognition programs.



As part of a regular review, SCC updated its Accreditation Program Overview. This document’s primary purpose is to outline how accreditation programs are organized and how they operate.


New requirements

The following highlights the changes in the updated document:

  • The Greenhouse Gas Accreditation program (GHGAP) has a new name and is now called the Validation and Verification Body Accreditation Program (VVBAP). 
    • This acknowledges the change in the primary accreditation standard for verification bodies (from ISO 14065 to ISO/IEC 17029). 
    • It also reflects that other types of verification and validation bodies beyond those working with greenhouse gases can now be accredited in this program. 
  • New scheme requirements were added for Certification Bodies certifying to the Aerospace Standards AS9100, AS9110, AS9120 starting on page 34.
  • A new document was added to the Good Laboratory Practice Recognition Program under Program Requirements: document No. 23, Advisory Document of the Working Party on Good Laboratory Practice on Quality Assurance and GLP (page 74).



The revised Accreditation Program Overview comes into effect on 2022-12-08.



For more information, please contact Elias Rafoul, Vice-President, Accreditation Services, at elias.rafoul@scc-ccn.ca or +1 613 238 3222.