Updated Accreditation Services Program Overview

Bulletin date:
Bulletin number:

Action required

Effective the date of release of this bulletin, all customers are required to note the changes in the revised Accreditation Program Overview


Affected customers

All customers and applicants in all SCC accreditation and recognition programs.



As part of a regular review, SCC updated its Accreditation Program Overview. This document’s primary purpose is to outline how accreditation programs are organized and how they operate.


New requirements

  • Updated and reorganized information in The Standard Council of Canada (SCC) and SCC’s Accreditation sections starting on page 7. Changes include the new references to SCC’s mandate, the SCC Act and SCC’s commitment to the Official Languages Act.
  • A new Accreditation Remote Assessments section is added on page 13.
  • Clarifications on regional body non-conformities (NCs) as a result of an appeal are included in the Appeals section on page 29.
  • The Transfer of Accreditation Process section on page 19 is improved.
  • A new section on SCC’s Commitment to Quality and Improvement is added on page 27.
  • The Complaints section on page 27 is reorganized, and the complaints process is updated and clarified. 
  • The information on the use of IAF and ILAC marks is simplified in the Publicity Guidelines section starting on page 17.
  • The Guidelines for the Presentation of Medical Laboratory Testing Scopes were removed from this publication and can now be found in SCC Requirements and Guidance for the Presentation of Laboratory Scope of Accreditation, version 3.



The revised Accreditation Program Overview comes into effect on 2022-05-04.



For more information, please contact Elias Rafoul, Vice-President, Accreditation Services, at elias.rafoul@scc-ccn.ca or +1 613 238 3222.