Recognition of CE Marking Extended in Great Britain

Bulletin date:
Bulletin number:

Action required 


Affected customers 

SCC Product, Process and Service Certification Program customers and applicants.



The UKCA mark is the new product marking for specified goods being placed on the market in Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland). A previous SCC Accreditation Services bulletin indicated that only such goods with UKCA marking could be placed on the market in Great Britain starting in January 2023. 
The UK government has extended the recognition of CE marking in Great Britain for two more years – until December 31, 2024 – allowing the use of either UKCA or CE markings during this time. 


In addition, the UK Government will allow conformity assessment activities for CE marking undertaken by December 31, 2024 to be used by manufacturers as the basis for the UKCA marking, until December 31, 2027. 


You can read more about the extension in an announcement posted the UK Government website.

New requirements 



The UK Government will continue to recognize the CE product marking in Great Britain until December 31, 2024, allowing the use of either the UKCA or CE markings during this time. 

The UKCA marking can be used now, and the UK government is encouraging its use as soon as possible.



We will continue to inform you on progress and impacts as this work continues. 

Please contact Stephen Head, Manager, Strategic Policy, at if you have any questions or would like to discuss the Protocol on the mutual acceptance of the results of conformity assessment in the Canada-UK Trade Continuity Agreement, and its implementation.