Overhauled Accreditation Program Overview

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Action required

SCC’s Accreditation Program Overview has been redesigned, and is now broken down into separate Program Overviews for each accreditation program. 

Customers are urged to take note of these changes and update their Quality Management Systems (QMS) accordingly. 

Affected customers

All customers, applicants, assessors and inspectors in all SCC accreditation and recognition programs.


SCC has significantly overhauled the Accreditation Program Overview (POV) in response to valuable customer feedback and the expansion of our accreditation programs. 

This restructuring aims to improve operational efficiency and enable timely updates. We redesigned the document to provide clearer and more specific Program Overviews for each accreditation program, along with integrating relevant content updates. Information that pertains to all accreditation programs is now included in the Accreditation Program Manual. 

It serves as a comprehensive guide to SCC's accreditation services outlining what programs we offer, and how they are organized and delivered. For detailed program changes, please consult the program-specific overviews and version history table. 

New documents

The following highlights the changes


  • Program-specific Program Overviews.
  • Added a section on International Recognition and updated current international involvement, if applicable.
  • Updated International Accreditation Forum (IAF) Mandatory Document (MD) versions, if applicable.
  • Aligned the use of the term applicant, customer and conformity assessment body (CAB).
  • Added Scheme Owner(s) and Regulator(s), if applicable. 


SCC Accreditation Applications 

  • Moved the Transfer section to the Application section.
  • Clarified transfer and cross-frontier processes.
  • Revised the description
  • Added risk evaluation at the application stage. 


SCC Accreditation Assessments

  • Added Head Office, Virtual Sites, Location and Activities definitions
  • Clarified that Findings Reports are issued even when there are no findings and that Accreditation Reports are not issued during surveillance years and witness assessments. 
  • Added the Evaluation of Conformity Assessment Schemes (CAS) section.


SCC Accreditation Decisions and Accreditation Status

  • Added the Conditional Accreditation section. 
  • Modified the Accreditation Symbol section, including Accredited CAB combined IAF and ILAC mark use.

Maintaining SCC Accreditation

  • Added a statement on travel advisories and trade sanctions.


SCC Accreditation Scope Modifications

  • Clarified information in the section, with particular focus on improving understanding of Relocations and Renovation processes.



  • Referred to website for the submission form, and information about the process and requirements.


New requirements



Effective immediately. 


For more information, please contact Elias Rafoul, Vice-President, Accreditation Services, at elias.rafoul@scc-ccn.ca or +1 613 238 3222.