New Edition of CSA B149.3

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Bulletin number:

Action required

All SCC-accredited Inspection Bodies accredited to perform inspections to CSA B149.3-2015 Code for the field approval of fuel related components on appliances and equipment shall transition their inspection program to CSA B149.3-2020 Code for the field approval of fuel-burning appliances and equipment.


Affected customers

All SCC-accredited and applicant inspection bodies, assessors, and technical experts under the Commercial and industrial gas-fired appliances and equipment Inspection Body Accreditation Program.



The new edition of CSA B149.3 was published in January 2020 and includes updates and various changes throughout the code. The code expanded on the performance-based informative annex. As determined by the AHJs, this annex shall not be included under the SCC accreditation at this time. The IBs shall consult with the AHJs for additional information on acceptance of the performance-based section.


Below are some examples of the changes identified throughout the revised code:  

  • New Reference code added: CSA B149.6 Code for Digester Gas, Landfill Gas, And Biogas Generation And Utilization
  • New and revised definitions
  • Removal of Clause 10.2.2
  • Section 14 includes revisions to the rating plate requirement (previously section 11)
  • Limitation to the scope of section 16 (previously section 13)
  • New Section 17 added to maintain a consistent level of safety with certified appliances
  • Section 18 (previously Annex-E: Guideline) is now normative
  • New Section 19 added which allows for the proper consideration of appliances installed in complex and integrated facilities which may generate unintended hazards within a facility if not considered appropriately
  • New Section 20 added which allows for the proper consideration of portable appliances


New requirements

In order to transition to the new code, all Inspection Bodies accredited to conduct inspections against CSA B149.3 shall be assessed and have their scope of accreditation updated by the transition deadline. 


As a part of the assessment, the following will be required:

  • Evidence of updates to the management system covering the required modifications
  • Updated inspection form and/or report
  • Up-to-date qualification/authorization records
  • Evidence of training of appropriate personnel to the latest revision of the CSA B149.3 Code
  • Knowledge interviews with inspectors will be performed by SCC technical experts during the assessment
  • An SCC witness audit in accordance with the latest revision of the CSA B149.3 Code shall be performed within 6 months of the issuance of the updated Scope of Accreditation



To successfully fully transition to CSA B149.3-20, IBs shall:

    a. Submit requested documentation to SCC by November 1st, 2020

    b. Participate in interviews with SCC’s assessment personnel, including knowledge interviews with the IB’s inspectors

    c. Ensure all the nonconformities (if applicable) are closed within the allotted time

    d. Successfully complete the SCC witness audit within 6 months of the issuance of the updated scope of accreditation


IBs that successfully complete the required steps for this transition – a) to c), will have their new scope of accreditation published on February 1st, 2021 at the earliest.


IBs not meeting this transition will have CSA B149.3 and reference codes removed from their scope of accreditation as of April 1st, 2021. 



Please contact Abdel Kassou, Manager, Compliance and Assessment Services, at or +1 613 238 3222 for more information.